Chapter 4: Decisions

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Friday evening arrived earlier then Dream could've wished for. They were currently getting ready to go to a yet unknown place.

Dream was sitting on his bed, fidgeting with his phone. He had been informed that his phone would be tracked, and his job was to get George alone. His first worry had been how he was going to get George alone. However, George was already drinking, which would probably make it easier.

Speaking of the brit. The bathroom door opened, and George stepped out with a big grin. The dark locks were in a beautiful mess and the mismatching eyes showed signs that the alcohol was already affecting him. Dream smiled at how excited the brunette appeared to be. Well, until he remembered his role. His smile dropped and George noticed it. The brunette slumped down beside Dream and gave him a concerned look.

"We don't have to go you know." The use of we instead of you didn't go unnoticed. His heart ached. George didn't deserve this, any of it. Knowing that this was probably one of the last peaceful moments Dream would have in a long while, caused him to engulf George in a tight hug. That the brit didn't love physical contact was something Dream knew by now, but George didn't pull away like Dream had expect. Instead, he hugged him back. Maybe it was an act that was influenced by the effects of alcohol, still it felt amazing. Dream rested his chin against the brunette's head and closed his eyes. He knew that there was no way he could look George in the eyes and lie.

"Of course, we'll go. I'm just a bit nervous." Which wasn't a complete lie. George broke loose from the embrace and stared at him with disbelief. "You're nervous?"

Dream smiled slightly. "What's so wrong about that?" George shook his head and stood up.

"I only think I've seen you nervous once, and it was the first time we met." Dream bit the inside of his cheek. So, it had been noticeable then?

He rose from the bed and forced himself to put up the carefully crafted facade once again. He did a not so graceful bow in George's direction. "I was just afraid to piss you off, Mr. Tea-Drinker." Dream said and smirked. George hit him lightly on the arm. "Ha ha, very funny. Idiot."

Their bickering was interrupted when Karl swung the door open at stepped in, followed by Quackity, Wilbur and Niki. They all greeted each other. Everyone besides Wilbur gave Dream a big smile. George grabbed Dream's forearm and started pulling him forward. Wilbur's eyes lingered on George's grip on Dream's arm before the brown eyes met Dream's once more. Dream couldn't figure out what he had done to make Wilbur so suspicious. It was like the tall brit saw straight through Dream and knew his true agenda. Wilbur broke the eye contact when Niki grabbed his arm and led him out the door.

Time to party.


They gang got to a big house, located just outside the college, near a forest.


The place must've contained over a hundred people. The volume was unbearable, and the entire place smelled of alcohol and sweat. George grip around his arm loosened as soon as they got inside. Dream panicked for a second as he was convinced that he had lost him in the crowd. But he soon spotted the brit talking to a tall figure. A battle between relief and jealousy was fought in his mind as he saw that George had ditched him for someone else and not just anyone, Damien.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. A series of coordinates were sent. He typed them into google and found out that they led to a place just a few minutes beside the house.

He found it provoking, watching George talking with that idiot. So, it wasn't a big loss that he had to walk out into the woods. He found a white van, parked in the middle of the forest. How much more of a fucking cliché could it get?

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