Chapter 3: Ticket to hell

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Dream knew two things for sure: One, he hated biology with a passion. And two, he envied the people that got to live like this without having to pretend.

Schlatt was right. His roommate's eyes had been a dead giveaway. They were astonishing; one was ice blue and the other deep brown. Dream had feared that George would've caught on to his bluff straight away. However, after their first day together, George's skeptical view seemed to have faltered.

How Dream managed to play the part of a college student was a miracle. Even more impressive was how everyone bought it so quickly. George introduced him to his friends who accepted him without a question. They were three in total: Karl, who was the one who had barged into their room on the first day. Quackity, that sure was a character, he always wore a beanie and was the friend who no one ever knew where he was. Lastly, there was George. Despite being nearly a head shorter than Dream, was one intimidating fella. The brit was interesting, and Dream had this underlying desire to want to get to know him. He was a little bit too interesting for Dream's liking. The only one that didn't seem to like Dream was George's brother, Wilbur. George had introduced the two and Wilbur gave the impression that he knew every dirty secret that Dream kept hidden from the world.


It was Thursday evening and Dream and George sat in George's bed. The brunette was trying his hardest to educate Dream on different between DNA and chromosomes. Dream could see words coming out of George's mouth, but they never reached his ears. His attention was fully directed at the brunette, yet Dream was unable to pick up on anything he said.

George was resting back against the headboard of the bed and Dream was laying at the end of the bed with George's legs on top of his own. Dream was prepared to admit that the brit was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. The mismatching eyes were locked on the page he was reading from. The fair complexion was a perfect contrast against the dark locks and equally dark eyebrows and eyelashes. The brit had a sharp nose and an even sharper jawline accompanied by soft, plump lips.

Dream allowed himself to close his eyes, he still heard George's voice in the background. It was embarrassing to admit how badly Dream craved the other's company. They hadn't even known each other for a week and Dream was already completely mesmerized by his roommate. The brunette's presence was addictive and enough to drown out the nagging feeling of the temporary of the situation. Dream wondered how it would've turned out if he would've met George during different circumstances.

A harsh pinch on his right ear brought him back to life.

"Ouch! That hurt!" Dream cried while rubbing his sore ear.

George tried to look annoyed, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "You're not even listening to me!" Dream was just about to answer when a knock turned their attention to the door.

"Come in!" George shouted. The door opened and in stepped a tall brunette with striking blue eyes. George's manners shifted in a matter of seconds. He retracted his legs from Dream's lap and sat up straight.

"Damien?" George asked. The unknown guy eyed them both before smiling at George.

"Am I interrupting something?" The guy asked and gave Dream a challenging look before turning his attention back to the brit.

"No, we're just studying. Did you want something?"

Not even a minute could've passed before Dream had decided that he disliked this guy. Nothing about him seemed genuine. However, George's eyes tattled that he didn't share Dream's pessimistic view. Irritation overtook Dream's mind. This idiot had definitely interrupted something.

Realization struck. Was this the guy that Karl had mistaken him for the first night? I couldn't be, right?


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