Chapter 15: Cars

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The room was dark when Dream woke up. He guessed that it was around 5 am. Their already crowded room was even more crowded now that George's friends had decided to join them.

Sapnap and Dream were awake, but the rest was somehow still asleep. The ravenette suddenly indicated for Dream to follow him out to the hallway.

Once out, Sapnap abruptly stopped him and crossed his arms over his chest. "Right. Cards on the table, Dreamieboy."

Dream furrowed his brows. "What you on about?"

"Don't give me that bullshit. I saw you two all snuggled up on that couch."

Then it clicked. George. This little interrogation was about him and George. Although he couldn't understand why Sapnap seemed so upset.

"Yeah, what about it?" Dream tried.

Sapnap huffed. "Are you in love with the dude or something?"

The inevitable question that still remained answerless. Dream sighed. "I donno. Maybe."

A hand connected with the back of Dream's head. "Ouch! What was that for?"

Sapnap raised his brows in disbelief. Dream stared at his friend in return, confused as to what he'd done wrong.

"You really think that it will end well? For fuck sake, George is a college student. You hunt people for a living. In what world would that work out?"

"First of all, I've never said that I think we will have a future together. Second, George is currently on Schlatt's most wanted list. Do you think that he'll simply give up? At least with me he would be protected." Dream snapped. Feeling the now familiar rage grow.

Sapnap must've noticed Dream's change of temper as he took a more careful approach. "I'm just saying, this is bound to end badly. Also, don't you think George would be better off protected by his dad?"

"You think anyone over the age of twelve wants to live their life with their dad guarding their every move?" Dream countered.

"Fine. Whatever, just don't come crying to me if you get you all heart broken and shit."

It wasn't like Sapnap proposed an illogical opinion. Yet, Dream knew that if he found a way for him and George to have a possible future together, he would for sure take the chance.

An awkward silence hung between them until Dream couldn't take it anymore. "So... Speaking of George. What do we do now that his friends decided to tag along?"

The ravenette pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know, dude. Maybe we can convince them to stay at the lab once we get there."

Dream nodded. The suggestion suddenly awoke another question.

"Any idea what we're supposed to do after we reach the lab?"

"Honestly, no. Schlatt wants us dead, at least me. He might spare your life as you're still his little guinea pig."

That was the first time in a while that reality caught up with Dream. There was still a chance that he might developed dangerous side-effects. George had given him a brief summary of the side-effects that the other subjects had developed. George had kept it rather general, but something told Dream that George had left some parts out of it. He made a mental note to interrogate the brunette further when given the opportunity.

"We need to get our hands on those clean slates that Schlatt offered. Even if George and I might be of useful to his dad, doesn't mean that he'll protect you out of the kindness of his heart."

Sapnap was about to protest but Dream wouldn't let him. "And don't even think about suggestion that I should leave you. That won't be happening. You're the closest thing to a family that I have." Dream felt the vulnerability in his voice.

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