Chapter 24: Caged

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From the moment Dream sat down by that dinner table, he knew something was wrong. That "thing" soon showed up in the form of a much older version of his sister. The 'Switch' happened the second his subconscious registered who the blonde girl was, and why he recognized her.

She'd seen... Happy, content with life.

Old questions of "why" they'd left him behind, returned in an instant. They'd gotten eye contact during a few occasions. Dream had desperately searched after any sign of recognition yet found none.

He tried. God only knows how hard he tried to not let it affect him, still his heart broke every time his little sister looked at him like a stranger. Because that's all he now was to her.

A stranger.

He excused himself and ventured out to their porch. A familiar presence soon joined him. It wasn't surprising to sensed that George had noticed that something was wrong. However, admitting it was a whole other thing.

Their moment got broken up when a car arrived at the house. Both Dream and George were shocked when they saw its passengers; Sapnap, Quackity, Karl and... Techno.

Dream felt his emotions turn off the second he spotted his fellow hitman. All melancholic feelings about his family were suppressed by triumph as he spotted Techno's expression. Clearly aware of the fact that Dream had found his weak spot.

"I swear. If you've hurt any of my family members, I'll live up to the nickname "the Blood God". Techno said with a tone that contained a surprising amount of emotions.

Dream stepped down from the porch. "Don't worry, pig. They've been nothing but lovely. Haven't they, George?"

From the corner of his eyes, he saw how the brunette nodded stiffly.

"What are you doing here?" Techno asked defensively.

Dream pretended to think. "I think some random lady mentioned your name." Dream let his gaze fall on Techno, who was doing a pretty good job at keeping up a composed front. "I need to get to Schlatt, you're one of his closest. So– where is he?"

Techno's eyes flickered to George for a moment. "Dream– you're sick. You need to come with us instead of going after Schlatt."

Anger flashed through his body as he quickly closed the distance between him and Techno. He gripped the guy's collar and threw him on the ground. "Don't tell me what I need! I know exactly what I need, and it's Schlatt's location." Dream spat.

Techno's gaze continued to flicker between George and Dream until it eventually set on Dream. The gaze he now received was way colder for some reason. "Fine. Have it your way. Schlatt's hiding away in the same facility that you last escaped from."

Dream flashed Techno a triumphant smile. "See, that wasn't so difficult, now was it." Techno's eyes were glued on him as he slowly rose from the ground. "You're making a terrible mistake; he's waiting for you." Techno eventually said.

Normally, such a claim would made Dream cautious. But now, none of that mattered.

He was obviously leaving. He debated on whenever to bring George with him. Though, something told him that George would either try talking him out of going or refuse to follow. If only George could understand that he was doing all this for him. To protect him, to seal their future.

Nonetheless, he wasted no time and headed straight for the motorcycle.

No one chased after him, but he sure received a lot of pleading glances as he drove away.


Luck must've been on his side, because the location that Techno had pinpointed was just a few hours away.

It felt odd for Schlatt to reside in such a place. But Dream shook it off. He gained nothing from doubting himself, especially now when he was so close to achieving his goal.

He parked proximally a hundred meters from the building. The sun was setting, which only made it easier to sneak closer to the building. He'd stolen the gun from the woman he'd encountered at the hotel and had his knife laid securely in one of his pockets.

1, 2, 3 he counted before he kicked the door. A counterattack of some sort was what he'd bet on, but the building seemed empty once he entered. He cursed and began wondering if he'd been fooled by Techno.

Although, a masked figured soon approached him. Dream prepared himself for the attack. But the man stopped in front of him. "Took you long enough". The voice was familiar, but he couldn't place it. He furrowed his brows behind his mask. The guy proceeded to remove his mask and that's when it clicked.


Damien quirked an eyebrow. "Surprised?"

Dream tilted his head. "More annoyed." He scuffed. Although, something about Damien's manners was alarming, he was way too calm.

"Well, still distracting enough for you to drop your guard."

And that's when Dream felt the needle against his skin and knew that he'd completely fucked up.


A sense of déjà vu washed over him as he found himself back in the same cell as before, with legs and arms chained to the wall. A groan escaped his mouth as he moved his aching body. The switch did unfortunately not turn off physical emotions in the same way.

He let his arms fall along his sides and he rested his head against the concrete wall. His weapons and mask were gone, but they'd thankfully allowed him to keep his clothes.

It didn't take long before the door to the basement swung open and the man himself, Schlatt, came walking down the stairs.

He clapped his hands condescendingly as he got closer to the cell. "Dream, Dream, Dream. Always so eager, yet here we are again, captured like an animal." Dream rolled his eyes in response.

Schlatt continued. "Though, I'll admit. You're my most successful experiment. Glad to finally have you back."

Dream narrowed his eyes but remained silent.

"You see, your issue has always been your empathy. So, this new – version – is just fantastic!"

"I thought you wanted to erase cancer, not create apathy." Dream said before he could stop himself.

"True, true. But I've been fooled, because that goddamm rapport's apparently missing a crucial detail." He paused and gave Dream a judging glance before he continued. "– But on the positive side, having the power to create hitmen who lacks a conscious, is a great possibility." Schlatt stated with a smirk.

"You sure love to hear yourself talk. Though, I think you're forgetting a significant part to your plan." Dream countered. Proud when he saw how Schlatt hesitated.

The chains were long enough to allow Dream to reach bars of the cell. He kept his gaze on Schlatt the entire time and was pleasantly surprised when he noticed the slight tremble that Dream's emotionless persona caused.

Dream studied his nails in a theatrical gesture. "Who's to say that a person without empathy would've any desire working for a filthy animal like you?"

"Emotions or not. Everyone can be bought. Everyone wants something." Schlatt said in a casual tone.

""Some men just want to watch the world burn"" Dream cited tauntingly.

Schlatt's expression hardened. "I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you."

Dream was about to laugh, but the cell door opened, and three masked men sprinted in. He tried to fight back, but ultimately failed. A stinging sensation against his neck and a voice that seemed to be surrounding him, was the last thing he recalled before once again falling unconscious.

"I'm gonna break you. Every. Last. Part. After that, I think you'll realize that everyone can be bought."

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