Chapter 22: Cyanide

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Everything after the crash with the motorcycle was like a big blur. George remembered being picked up, but then it went black. Next thing he knew was waking up in a warm bed surrounded by pillows and blankets.

He estimated that it took 40 minutes before Dream returned. He'd seemed like his normal self. Well, except for the suit. Though, George's perception changed when the blonde locked eyes with him. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact difference, but something about the eyes hinted about his wicked mental state.

A 'Switch' was a great description. The 'normal' Dream had only returned for a few minutes. The change had been prominent. The best description was probably that the 'normal' Dream was capable of human emotions, in contrast to the other version.

George sat on the bed. His mind was running wild, trying to figure out any sort of connection to what the trigger could've been. Yet, he found no correlation so far.

A few minutes had passed since Dream had left for his "mission". George had a vague suspicion on what this mission meant. He'd tried weighing his options; he wanted to follow Dream but was afraid to get caught. And on top of that, his leg was hardly in a good condition if he needed to defend himself.

Still, he couldn't sit around in this room for God knows how long. After some searching, he found two insulin needles, his jar with belladonna paste, and a knife. His leg ached every time he put weight on it. So, to relieve the pain, he cut out a long strip of the sheet and tied it above and below his knee for support.

He chose to remain in the clothes that Dream must've put on him. Luckily, he found his backpack. He grabbed his black facemask and big goggles.

He swore silently after every step he took. Surprise would be his only advantage in a fight.

There's no way Dream could've gotten far. George staggered out of the room and tried to ignore the pain coming from his knee. The hotel was basically empty, which gave George an eerie vibe. However, the lack of residents sure made his plan to follow Dream a hell of a lot easier. Low voices became his lead and he eventually ended up on the third floor.

The voices originated from what could best be described as a conference room. Dream hadn't explained who these people were or what they were doing. George found a small window and managed to carefully glance into the room. The scenery could've easily passed as a regular business meeting. Yet, George knew better than to be fooled by the innocent look of it all. It must somehow be connected to Schlatt.

Hundreds of thoughts occupied George's head as he hunched behind a wall to avoid getting spotted. His first instinct had been to interfere before Dream would do anything. Although, that idea quickly got dismissed. He didn't know what Dream was actually planning and even if he did, these people weren't exactly the friendly type, the majority probably wanted him dead or captured.

His train of thoughts was raptured when a loud crashing sound came from inside the room. Fear caused his adrenaline to spike, he sprinted towards the door. A strong smell seeped through the door, and he panicked as he recognized the smell.


A man rushed to the door and desperately reached for the handle, but it must've been locked. The man's eyes were filled with terror and his hands were clawing at his throat. It didn't take long before he fell unconscious on the ground. George couldn't do nothing else than to stare at the scene displaying in front of him. His eyes caught a masked figure that jumped down from the roof. People were trying to either open the windows, crawl to the door, or fight back as Dream began roaming around the room, clearly searching for something, or someone.

George retreated to his original spot behind the wall. His body was shaking from the massacre he'd witnessed. He couldn't help the quiet yelp that escaped his mouth as the door swung open.

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