Chapter 31: Forever

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One week had passed since Techno's death. Techno's family were devastated to say the least. Still, they'd offered Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity and Wilbur to stay until they'd gotten everything sorted out.

Wilbur had given them the hard drive with clean slate, and Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl and Quackity had all agreed to take the opportunity to get a fresh start.

Wilbur finally explained that he'd promised Techno that he'd take care of his family once he was gone and claimed that Techno had known that Schlatt would've killed him at some point. Dream had always thought that Wilbur was a guy with many secrets, but it was still shocking to hear just how close the two had been. Even George hadn't expected a thing. But during their time staying there, it became clear that Wilbur was basically already a part of the family.

They'd all attended a simple funeral that was held in the garden. Philza had created a tombstone out of an old sword with a red piece of fabric hanging around the handle like a cloak. Dream thought was the perfect choice for a tombstone in Techno's honor.

Sapnap, Karl and Quackity had agreed to start a casino and invited Dream and George to join them. But they'd kindly declined. It wasn't like they had a well-thought-out plan for the future, but Dream intended to keep his promise of getting George that house with a garden. Though, Dream knew that him and Sapnap would forever have a special bond. They might not live together anymore, but he'd always be apart of Dream's life somehow. He could never forget his friend and everything they'd been through.


Dream and George were currently sitting in a car that they'd packed with the few belongings they still owned.

Where exactly they were going was yet a mystery. But Dream, for once, found himself excited to see what the future withheld for him.

His right hand was twisting and turning the white plushie. During their stay with Techno's family, Dream had gotten the opportunity to think a lot. One specific topic that often came to mind was his family. Part of him wanted to try and form a relationship with them again now that he knew that they were alive. But another part found no motivation to do so. He had George now, a person that he loved whole-heartedly.

One day it'd hit him, that maybe he hadn't missed his family, rather the feeling of having somewhere he belonged. And he'd found it now, with George.

Speaking of George. The brunette sat in the passenger seat. Dream saw how George was looking at the plushie. Dream had previous confessed, when the two of them was stuck in the cell, how his family had abandoned him and thereafter left him to fend for himself. The version he'd told then hadn't been that detailed and was mostly just a summary. That's why he felt the need to give a more in dept version. He cried like a baby when he told George the full story, but it was liberating tears.

They'd agreed on a plan after Dream confession. Because he still had Drista's plushie, George thought it could be a good idea if Dream returned it. Dream knew that he no longer found the need to reconnect with his family or demand an explanation for why they'd left him but had eventually agreed to George's suggestion. It seemed like a good way to finally get some type of closure.

He sighed and put the plushie away. "You know, for as long as I can remember there's always been one specific feeling that I've continuously fought with. And no matter how hard I tried, it never went away. It's like this constant sensation that I need to prove myself. But no matter how hard I try, it's never enough." Dream stated with a flat tone. But the anxious drumming against the steering wheel revealed just how difficult it was to admit.

George's beautiful eyes settled on the road. ""If my aim is to prove I'm enough, the project goes on for infinity because the battle was already lost on the day I conceded the issue was debatable."" He cited.

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