Chapter 17: Hotel

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"We need to figure out where exactly we are." George stated. To which Dream just rolled his eyes. George must truly believe that Dream relied on a single braincell to function. And fair enough, he might not be a biology major. But it didn't take a genius to understand that walking through a forest without a direction wasn't ideal.

That George had followed him still felt surreal. Sure, Sapnap always had his back and Dream would sacrifice his life for the guy. He loved his friend. However, the love he felt for George was a different one. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact difference; he would die for Sapnap, but for George – he would destroy the entire earth if it meant that it'd keep him safe.

Dream couldn't resist the temptation and intertwined their hands. George appeared surprised for a second before he faced Dream with eyes that seemed to sparkle, and a small smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth.

His heart warmed at the sight. The pale face was rosy from all the walking and the dark locks were a mess from their previous little stunt-show. The ridiculously big goggles sealed the look as they rested on top of the brit's head.

"Dream?" His name being called forced him back from his admiring-George-world.

"Yeah, what's up?"

His companion pointed straight ahead. Suddenly it seemed plausible that Dream's brain did, in fact, not contain more than a singular braincell, as he'd failed to notice the many lights ahead of them.

"Looks like civilization." Dream said while rubbing his neck, slightly ashamed that he hadn't seen it sooner. George huffed at Dream's obvious statement.

The pair kept wandering and it took a lot less time than expected to reach the destination. They were pleasantly surprised when the place turned out to be big enough that no one would bat an eye at two newcomers.

They agreed to get new clothes, a bag each and find a place to stay. It seemed like a solid plan until they realized that money was nowhere to be found. At least not legally.

It must've been about mid-day as plenty of people were roaming the streets. Dream therefore offered to rob someone, to which George first objected. Although the brunette soon came to the conclusion that it was the best choice. Either that or steal everything they needed. But they planned on staying here overnight and figure out a plan. And stealing a hotel room wasn't quite as easy as shoplifting clothes.

Stealing a wallet was way easier than what one might think. Dream had done it plenty of times without getting caught. This time wasn't more difficult than any previous times. The city wasn't the biggest but big enough for the streets to be crowded, which made things easier.

Dream simply snuck behind a middle-aged woman that wore somewhat fancy clothes. She had a blue handbag with a beige wallet practically hanging out of it. He was able to get the wallet and was pleasantly surprised when it contained a good amount of cash. It took only a few seconds to retrieve everything he needed, and she didn't seem to have noticed anything suspicions happening. He thereafter escaped from the crime scene to meet George.

He gave the brunette a cocky smirk as he showed his findings. George wasn't too impressed, but Dream's smirk only grew when George took his hand and began leading him to the closest clothing store.

Sorting through clothes while George held his hand and led him through different aisles of the store was probably one of the best moments in Dream's life so far. It made his life sound extremely sad, but it didn't take away from the truth. It felt like such mundane thing to do, something that Dream didn't knew he craved.

Shopping for clothes with your– your boyfriend.

The thought of George as his boyfriend threw him off. Was he allowed to view George as his boyfriend? Dream knew that he wanted to, but what about George? Despite their mutual love declaration for one another, could Dream ever be worthy for someone to consider him as a romantic partner?

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