Chapter 21: Switch

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Life was easy. Dream couldn't understand why he'd made it so complicated in the past.

After he left George, it'd been like a flick of a switch in his brain. Only one thought remained; Keep George safe, which was kind of ironic considering that he'd left the brunette. But it was the truth and the way to achieve that goal was crystal clear: Kill Schlatt.

It didn't matter who got in his way. Anyone disrupted his plan in any way was just an unnecessary obstacle, so he felt no remorse if he needed to remove them. They could be crying, pleading, begging not to get killed. But since the switch, none of that affected him anymore. They'd done an active choice to make his life more difficult.

Though, it wasn't long after he'd left the cabin that he'd began missing the brit. George needed to be safe, and there wasn't a place where he'd be safer than with Dream.

However, he wanted to test the brunette's intentions slightly. The plan put Dream, or rather 'The Smiley-killer', on the police's radar. Still, it'd been successful. George had put two and two together and found him. And despite, the police wasn't something that bothered Dream. He'd been involved with criminal work for more than half his life.


Dream was currently staying at a pleasantly fancy hotel. After he found George, he'd carried the brit to his room and made sure that he was warm. Dream knew enough to understand that George was suffering from hypothermia. Therefore, after he'd reached the hotel, Dream made sure to get George out of the wet clothes and put him in one of Dream's hoodies and a pair of sweatpants that was ridiculously oversized. He then proceeded to put the brunette in the bed and wrap him in tons of pillows and blankets.

The brit's had sprained left leg knee and sustained some minor scratches. Dream wasn't a doctor but suspected that George would be partly immobile for at least a day. But that wasn't much of a problem, Dream was on Schlatt's trail. So much in fact that his next victim was currently in the same building.

George was still asleep, so Dream decided that it was just as good of a time as any to make some progress on his mission.

He placed a kiss George's forehead before heading down to the main part of the hotel. It contained a bar, and he was hoping to find a woman named Elise there. His latest victim had claimed that she was Schlatt's right hand.

As mentioned, the hotel was rather fancy. So, to blend in with the mass, Dream had stolen a suit and tamed the untamable blonde locks. The 'switch' in his mind hadn't just made his conscious disappear, it had also eased social interactions. At least the ones where he needed to put on a charming font to reach his goal.

A woman in her late twenties with dark hair and tanned skin sat alone beside the bar sipping on what seemed to be red wine. The dark hair reached her shoulders, and she wore a short, black cocktail dress with matching black heels. Dream smirked, she fit the description and alcohol tended to make people more than happy to chat.

"Having a good time, are we?" Dream asked as he took a seat next to the woman.

She jumped slightly from Dream's comment. Her gaze quickly switched from eyeing her half-empty glass to study her new company. Her dark eyes skimmed Dream critically for a moment before she turned away and her eyes settled on a point in front of her.

"I sure was– until a couple seconds ago." She countered challenging as she sipped on the wine.

Dream let out a low chuckle. "Then let me buy you another glass to make it better."

She quirked an eyebrow but didn't decline, so Dream called the bartender. He told the guy to give her another glass with the same wine. He practically had a minor heart attack when the bartender demanded 120 dollars for one glass. The shock must've shown on his face as the woman smirked in his direction.

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