Chapter 9: Changes

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Dream made the conclusion that concrete sucked as a pillow. His head hurt even worse when he woke up. The punch he had received to his jaw still ached, but it didn't seem like anything was broken. Filth covered every corner of the cell, so naturally did it cover majority of Dream's body.

The infamous rapport laid in front of him. He recalled how Schlatt had explained the importance of transparency from Dream's side. Dream had tried his best not to reveal any information that could be used against George. Though, he admitted to them that George could probably read the paper. One might think it was a stupid thing to say, yet something told him that it was the best chance for everyone to get out of this situation.

Apparently, time was running out for Schlatt's. Sapnap told him that kidnapping hadn't come without consequences. Richard Davidson was more than your ordinary family man. Schlatt was an influential man in the states, but what their boss had forgotten to mention the chokehold George's dad had over the world of pharmaceuticals. Kidnapping his son, or "lab rat" as Schlatt called him, had put a target on all of their backs. Mr. Davidson might've lost his license due to the unethical parts of his experiments. However, that had attracted the attention from a different a type of people. People who didn't value human life so highly. Sapnap hadn't elaborated further but told Dream that Schlatt was getting desperate.

Dream was curious on how much the brunette knew about his dad's true occupation. Though, he decided against asking any too invasive questions. Besides, it would seem weird if Dream admitted that he knew a lot more information than a normal prisoner would.  

Dream rubbed his eyes and sat up. It must be mid-day, judging by the light. Dream glanced around the cell and found George sitting in the corner, hugging his knees and staring out into nothingness. The brit radiated distress so Dream slowly approached and put a hand on his shoulder.

"George, you okay?" George didn't shift his focus and barely did anything to reveal that he had acknowledged Dream's presences. Minutes passed before George answered.

"I'm 'Project 404'" The brunette still kept his eyes away from Dream. Dream tried to get closer, but George shrugged away, like Dream was poisonous. He flew up and started walking back and forth in the cell. Dream's eyes were drawn to the notes laying on the floor.

Germline p53, apathy, rage, cancer?

"George, what is this?" Dream asked slowly. George's eyes finally met him.

"It's the rapport." Dream furrowed his brows and George gave a brief explanation. George started stumbling over his words and Dream feared that the brunette was about to have a panic attack. So, he stood up and quickly wrapped his arms around the shorter guy. George kept talking but the physical touch seemed to have some sort of calming effect.

"George, it okay. You're okay." Dream tried. However, the calming words didn't have the desired effect as George responded by pushing him away. "No, it's not okay! The only side effect that I received was heterochromia. However, I'm the ONLY one who didn't develop anything worse." The brit shouted. Dream rose his hand to signal peace.

"But that's good?" Dream questioned. George violently shook his head. "No, that probably just means I haven't developed them yet." Dream got close enough to grab ahold of the other's hands. "Please, breath. You'll pass out otherwise." Dream stated. George wild eyes met his and Dream saw him take a deep breath.

"Good. Now, please tell me: What were the other side-effects and how quickly did the others develop them?"

"It depended, the change in animals was rather quick. The two other humans took between a day to a week before the symptoms appeared."

Dream tried to wrap his head around the overwhelming information. "Shouldn't that mean that you would've developed them by now?" 

"I – I don't know. Maybe. But Clay, you must understand that this is a very unexplored territory in the medical field." George stuttered. Dream couldn't for the life of him figure out what Schlatt wanted with this information, especially considering the low success rate.

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