Chapter 25: Mission Impossible

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George was left standing on the porch, still trying to process what just happened.

For the first time in a long time, he felt completely lost. He'd lost Dream once more. If what Techno claimed, was true. Then this time he might actually be gone forever.

Strong arms pulled him inside the house once more. The children had gone somewhere else. So, George, the four newcomers and the mom and dad all sat down at the big dining table.

There were so many unanswered questions. George's head was in scrabbles.

A thick silence fell over the room until Karl broke it. "George, your dad's slightly psychotic."

George held back an eye roll. "How did this crowd even come to be?" He asked instead, glaring at Techno who seemed completely unfazed.

"We kinda met along the way." Techno responded. "Your brother told me to go search for you."

George furrowed his brows at the claim. "My brothe–"

"Wilbur, yeah." Techno said. "And before you ask, it's a long story. I met your brother when I began studying. We were friends – well, until I quit." He continued.

The pieces added up, yet George couldn't figure out why Wilbur remain friends with a hitman.

His gaze swiftly travelled to Techno's mom, whose eyes were tinted with sorrow.

Bizarre was the easiest way to describe the situation. "So... what's the plan?" George finally dared to ask.

Surprisingly, Sapnap was the one to answer. "Your dad wants you and Dream back to the lab." The sour undertone didn't go unnoticed.

"Right." George couldn't help but anxiously pick at his cuticles. Facing his dad again wasn't exactly something he was looking forward. Many things had changed since the last time.

Sapnap abruptly stood up and placed his palms on the table. "Ready to leave?"

"What? Now?" George, Karl and Quackity said in unison.

Sapnap rolled his eyes. "No, next fullmoon. Yes, now."

Techno followed Sapnap's example and rose from the table. "Give me four days, if I haven't brought Dream to the lab by then, you can come searching yourselves."

Everyone seemed set on getting back on track, but George felt so lost.

"Wait. Firstly, why are you going after Dream? Second, he's dangerous. He switches and what causes it is unknown."

Techno gave him a curious glance. "I would've thought you'd have figured out his weakness by now." George glared in Techno's direction. "Plus, George, you're forgetting that I'm Schlatt's right hand."

"Oh, trust me I remember." George bit back.

"That means I know what they're planning on doing to him." This time, there's no humor in Techno's confession and suddenly George felt like someone had poured cold water all over him.

"Let's just go, I'm getting a headache." Sapnap said followed by an irritated huff.

That was their cue. All expect Techno followed Sapnap to the car. The ride was silent in the beginning, which only increased George's nervosity to meet his dad.

Sapnap was driving as usual while Karl and Quackity were asleep in the backseat.

So, to break the silent he eventually dared to ask a question that'd been nagging on his mind since he met Techno again.

"How can you suddenly be so trusting of Techno? You've worked with that monster of a man."

Sapnap's gaze remained on the road, but he began chewing on his bottom lip. "I ain't no saint. Neither is Techno nor Dream for that matter. But we all share on similar trait; we were all forced into working for Schlatt."

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