Chapter 16: Unconditional love

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George heart leaped as Dream jumped over to the black SUV. Everything had happened so fast. The driver looked familiar from his time in the cell, so it wasn't too surprising when they started shooting at them. That Schlatt would've caught up with them had just been a matter of time. Not that it made anything less terrifying.

Both cars were driving way over the speed limit. George saw how Dream held on for dear life as he laid on top of the roof.

The SUV was slowing down, meaning that Dream's distraction must've worked. His heart sank when he realized that this might be the last time he ever saw Dream. The blonde had sacrificed himself for them.

Something about that insight awoke a newfound strength. He wouldn't let Dream go down alone.

There was a small outpost on the back of the car with a ladder that led to the roof. George head began working on overdrive.

He couldn't abandon Dream because – because he loved him. Despite all their argument, their differences, and the cruel way that they'd met. George couldn't deny his feelings anymore. He gazed over his friends who seemed completely taken aback by Dream's decision.

Jumping from a moving vehicle wasn't a common occurrence in George's life. But he had already made up his mind. The other car was at a perfect distance from their car and George didn't hesitate. He opened the door and heard his friends loudly protest.

"Make sure that you reach my dad!" George yelled to a wide-eyed Karl and Quackity.

Before anyone could interfere with his decision, he jumped.

His body crashed against the back of the car. He fumbled for a second until he found something solid to grip on to. Metal cut into his palm, but he didn't allow it to bother him.

The car slowed down even further, and the red car got smaller and smaller. Dream's foot stuck out just enough for George to reach it. He tugged at it and felt Dream body stiffened, he couldn't have seen George jump. Dream did a not-so-gracefully turn so that their faces were just inches apart. Even with the mask on, George saw Dream's surprise.

"George!" Dream hissed. The wind made it difficult to talk, but George took notice of Dream's angry tone.

George wanted to give a condescending answer but figured that it wasn't the right time.

"We need to get off this car before they stop." George shouted. Dream's head turned to the left, looking at the surrounding beside road.

"We need to jump." Dream stated. George eyes widened. They were still going in a high speed. Dream's gloved hand grabbed George jaw and forced him to look at him.

"When you hit the ground, it's crucial that you roll forward to redirect the impact." Dream's tone was commanding and left no room for debate. George swallowed down his nervosity. Jump and roll. He'd seen it in movies plenty of times. Should be that difficult, right?

He looked up at Dream once more. The blonde somehow managed to sit and held up five fingers. His pulse went up as Dream counted down. When all fingers were down, that's when the familiar adrenaline returned.

Dream jumped first, but George wasn't far behind. It felt like he was floating through the air, probably the most exhilarating feeling George had ever felt. At least until his feet hit the grass. A shockwave made its way through his body.

Maybe it was the adrenaline that caused it, but George actually made a decent landing, similar to how Dream had instructed him to do.

Every part of his body ached as he sat down on the soft surface. Had he really just done that?

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