Chapter 18: Yamaha YZF-R6

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"Based of this map, it should take us a couple days to reach the lab."

Dream hummed sleepily. It was early morning. George sat on the bed, sorting through traveling folders that the hotel offered. He insisted on trying to navigate where they were and begin figure out a plan.

Dream, on the other hand, couldn't bring himself to leave the warmth and comfort of the bed. His mind was too clouded for him to even function properly yet. He'd tried multiple times to bring George back down, but the brit was determined.

"We just need some sort of transportation, and we should be all set." George concluded. Dream gave him a tried glance before covering his head underneath the pillow. That decision was not appreciated. The pillow was harshly removed and as his eyes got used to the light, he found George staring at him disappointingly.

Dream groaned in annoyance but caved under the brunette's intensive gaze. "Fine. What do you suggest we start with?"

George got up and put on the same blue shirt and black jeans as yesterday.

"Breakfast." Was George only answer as he went into the bathroom. Dream did his best to follow the example.

Mornings had never been his favorite time of the day and a comfortable bed didn't make getting up any easier. Though, he managed to put on a black t-shirt and his standard black pants. Him and George had rinsed their old clothes in the shower last night, so they'd be somewhat clean. So, Dream packed his belongings in his bag and just finished as George left the bathroom. The brunette gave him a small smile.

"Surprised to see that you actually listened to me for once."

Dream returned the smile and took ahold of the brit's head and placed a quick kiss on his forehead before he made his way into the bathroom. "Anything for you, princess."


After both had freshened up, the pair headed down to the dining area. It was still early, meaning that it was basically empty.

Dream was eyeing the variety of foods when he felt George intertwine their hands. He was pleasantly surprised as George was a rather private person. Although, the reasoning behind the brunette's action cleared when Dream spotted a familiar face. A smirk grew on his face. The blonde receptionist– Sarah – gave Dream a weary smile. He mirrored her smile but bent down to press a kiss on George's head. Not that he had anything against her, but he was proud to show off his partner to the world and George seemed pleased with Dream's decision.

The two ate quickly and discussed their plan for today. They agreed to get going straight away. The biggest problem was once again the lack of transportation. Dream suggested stealing another car and George didn't care to argue. Some money remained, but not nearly enough to buy a car.

Dream already missed the comfort of the hotel the moment they'd checked out. Although his brooding disappeared when his eyes found something highly interesting, a dozen motorcycles.

A Yamaha YZF-R6 specifically caught his attention.

Dream felt like a kid on Christmas as they got closer. It was matte black must've been the newest model on the market.

"Dream, what are you doing?" George said flatly.

"Are you not seeing this beauty?"

George furrowed his brows out of confusion. "And? It's just a motorcycle."

Dream's eagerness only grew when he saw that the owner had left the key. He faced George with a grin. "I think I've found a perfect vehicle."

George widened and his eyes shifted between Dream and the bike. "You gotta be joking."

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