Reunion of the Fated

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Hey, its me Paintedlotus! I am in need of all your help, I need feedback. Weather it be positive or negative I need both. Because you cant get any better if you only get good comments. So please I am asking all of you to comment something you thought was good or liked and something you noticed that could be better or you didn't like.

I dedicate this chapter to Silent_sunsets !

I really appreciate the help!

Lucy waited in the small room, it had taken a long time and had to pull many strings to see Natsu. But she talked with the Master and after hours of papers and questions she was able to get them to release him.

She sat at the rickety table, of corse there were two muscular guards standing behind her to make sure nothing went awry. She felt kind of uncomfortable as they stared at the back of her head, but she knew these were the conditions. If Natsu could "preform" correctly during this meeting he would be set free. Lucy had faith that he could control his actions for a while, even five minutes! But then again...she prayed!

The door slowly creaked open and there stood Natsu, he was torn and battered from his first ordeal. But still plenty healthy, though he had no shoes and the man behind him looked frustrated and shoved him inside.

That was when he noticed her, his face lit up and he ran up to her tackling her in bone crushing hug.

"Hey, Natsu." She sighed under his tight grip.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked shocked.

"I needed to see you." As the council said, Lucy wasn't able to say anything about the present test, so she diverted the conversation to something more personal. "Why did you do this?! Why did you leave without saying anything?! You didn't even tell me, no note, no message of any kind! You just left me alone to go storm the council, BY YOUR SELF! What on earth were you thinking?!" She screamed.

Natsu was shocked that she was saying such strong things, but then gave up and .bowed his head in shame at her words.

"Im sorry, I was thinking. I was so angry at everything. At what they were making you do and everyone else! But now I realized I should have never left you alone." Lucy listened closely, he might be getting out of this jail after all. "I now know that I should have stopped and actually thought about my actions because they got me nowhere. I will never do that again."

Lucy stood there shocked at his sudden speech, she was too busy placing those words in her brain to think of how this speech would effect Natsu's release results. She couldn't think of anything to say, so she just curled her lips into a smile. Eyes full of forgiveness and hope, she couldn't help but smile. She didn't know what to do or what she was feeling, but it was...nice. The overwhelming sense of happiness and serenity was completely foreign and her body didn't know how to react. She didn't quite know why this odd sensation was happening, but something about Natsu's words took her breath away.

The silence was long, but not at all awkward. Just a nice moment of peace, only to be interrupted by one of the men standing guard behind Lucy.

"Time is up, we will now see to your results." His scruffy voice echoed in the small room. Both heavy men walked out and locked the door behind them.

"Results?" Natsu repeated in confusion.

"To let you free." She answered.

Natsu's face lit up with surprise, then sunk seeming to remember something.
"I cant."

"What?!" Lucy was completely and utterly baffled. "Do you know hard it was to do this, if you dont get out now, you might never will."

"I know, but there is someone who needs my help here."

"Who on earth could you have met here?"

"All I know, is that I'm not leaving unless they come with me." Natsu stood his ground.

Lucy pulled at her hair in frustration.
"Why are you so stubborn? do you plan on doing this?"

"I dont know." He shrugged.

"I cant come up with everything!"

"I know, but I haven't had a lot of time to think about it."

"Fine, fine! How many people are we talking about?" Lucy asked.

"Two, but they aren't people. They're cats."

Lucy had to let these words settle before her body reacted. Was he serious?! Didn't it seem just a little bit silly to be risking their lives over pets?! Oh no, not to Natsu. Anything was sane and perfectly normal. Great. Now she was going to steal not one but two felines from the Council.

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