Jonah and Rachel

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I hate to admit that I am not updating as frequently as I would like, or as much as I used to. School is weighing me down and I can barely keep up with that. So I hope to keep this new schedule, of two chapters a week. Its not great but it is as much as I am seeming to he able to do now.

I dedicate this chapter to ChiSatO1!

Hope this still isn't too bad.

Lucy stared in awe at the pink haired girl, the keys resting limply at her hip seemed to entrance her. She had gold ones and silver ones, there were an abundance of them, but not as many as Lucy had. Lucy looked up to the girls face to see her looking at Lucy's keys also in shock. No words were needed to be said as they starred at each other in acknowledgement.

"Luce, what up?" Natsu asked her, worriedly.

Reluctantly turning, she faced him. But no answer came from her lips, only bewilderment filled her eyes as she turned back to the opposing set of keys. Lucy had never met another celestial mage before, they were extremely rare, especially now. Long ago celestial keys could be purchased or won, but now they could only be stolen or found.

"Hey, Rachel!" The blonde haired boy waved his hand in front of the girls face, trying to gain her attention. The girl turned to her partner, still a bit shaken. Apologized and stood from her place on the ground.

"Luce, snap out of it!" Lucy felt Natsu shake her shoulders violently, she snapped out of her daze and stood as well.

"...sorry, is just..." She never finished.

"Have you done to Lucy?!" Natsu yelled at the girl.

She hid behind the blonde boy in fear.

"No, Natsu! She didn't do anything!" Lucy held him back.

"Then what happened?" He demanded.

"She...she has keys, just like me." Lucy's voice was barely over a whisper.

Natsu turned to the equally stunned girl seeing her shimmering keys in the sunlight, Natsu's eyes widened.

"She is a Celestial Spirit mage?" Lucy nodded.

Lucy stood up with confidence and strode up to the two mages. Still hiding behind the boy she flinched, but Lucy did something Natsu would never expect. Lucy just starred at them, then her face lifted and turned upright into a bright smile.

"I think you already know, but I am a Celestial Spirit mage too." She addressed the girl. "There aren't very many of us left anymore, I wish we didn't have to fight. But I know you probably have some very bitter memories about those keys, they aren't slaves or toys. They are your friends and family, you always have to remember that."

The girl started to cry and held her keys in a tight grip.
"They are my family! Please don't take them away!"

This shocked Lucy, she would never take anyones keys even if they told her to.
"Stop it, your making her cry!" The blond boy yelled throwing an attack at Lucy, hurling her backwards.

Natsu reacted immediately to the the boys sudden move. He attack Lucy when her guard was down!

"What the heck was that for?!" Natsu yelled in anger, sending an attack of his own.

"She made Rachel cry!" The boy yelled back at Natsu.

"Well you didn't have to attack Lucy!"

"You smell familiar."

"What?!" Natsu stopped the argument to comprehend his statement.

"I said you smell familiar, why is that?!"

Natsu sniffed the air and caught a whiff of something familiar to him as well, then realized it was coming from the boy.
"No, you smell familiar!"

"What your name?" He asked.


"Well, Natsu I am Jonah. Son of the great ethereal dragon, Carnash!"

Natsu's eyes widened, this boy was a dragon slayer. He had never met another dragon slayer before. He thought he was the only one, maybe he knew where they were and how to get back to Igneel!

"Your a dragon slayer? Well I am the son of Igneel! The fire dragon!"

"I knew it! Tell me, where are the dragons? Where if your father?" Jonah beemed with excitement, yet anger.

"He disappeared a long time ago, I thought you might know but apparently not."

Both boys looked to the ground in defeat.

"Well Im sorry about this, but I will not be degraded again. Its time to fight." Jonah took his stance.

Seems the talking was over, it was time to fight.

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