Voices of Silence

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I just want to prove a point, none of you are reading these little entries, no I didn't think so. This is my only moment to you readers as the author! This is the real me, not the fake people I'm writting about! Read me. I am up here! Hello. So those polite people who do read this, you are awesome and get extra epic love points from me!

I dedicate this chapter to Tsundenierxx !

You you all and thanks for reading!

After much debate and negotiation the two exceeds were set free by ways of being smuggled out in the pants of Natsu, much to their own discretion. Luck for them it was their break and they were sent back to the guild in Magnolia where they would get a month of rest before they would have to fight again.

The train ride was long and torturous for Natsu, but Lucy was glad to have company as she leaned many things from the exceeds. And she told them many things about the world and what sorts of things they would find and see, they were more than enthusiastic everything.

When the train stopped Natsu fell to the floor his brain still spun from the long journey, Lucy sighed and took his arm half dragging his body out of the metal vehicle. While the two outlawed cats flew into her bag and out of sight, she had quite a lot of trouble carrying all the luggage and her partner, but she managed to get it all off the train.

"Natsu wake up!" She yelled, trying to raise him.

He didn't stir from his slumber, but now she could tell he wasn't dizzy anymore, but just sleeping for his own pleasure. So, this time she knelt down close to his face and said in a soft, low voice.
"Natsu, if you wake up I will make you fried chicken."

The boy's flew open to the sound of his favorite food and looked around, salivating in hopes of the prize. Lucy only stood and laughed.

"Hey, Luce thats not fair. You know I dont eat enough." He whined.

"No one does anymore. Now come and help me with the luggage and I might actually make you something."

They walked to Lucy's apartment and dropped off their baggage and rested. They were all exhausted. While the two mages collapsed from their battles and other endeavors. The two exceeds excitedly started flying around the fancy room looking at everything asking hundreds of questions that couldn't possibly be answered in a single day.

Two tired and wounded mages and two ecstatic felines stayed in Lucy's apartment mostly sleeping for the first day, trying to catch up on the lack of rest. They decided to sleep together since Lucy's bed was the most comfortable place in the house. Lucy would deny it, but it was the most peaceful sleep she ever had.

Natsu awoke from his wonderful nights rest, opening his eyes to a blur of gold. He lifted his fists to rub his unawakened eyes, but froze as he did so. For in his arms was the lovely Lucy, his Lucy. The last thing he wanted to do was wake her up. She was an angel, she looked so calm and happy. He loved when she was happy, but he also loved when she smiled. He hated when she cried and that this stupid world made her cry.

But he also made her cry, he made her cry by trying to stop the people from making her cry. He only made it worse. But the council still has to be stopped, but how? Obviously not the way he tried before. It needs to be a more subtile tactic, yet effective. But what could be so powerful?

"Natsu?" Natsu snapped out of his thoughts and looked down to see Lucy starring at him in concern.

"Morning." He smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"Oh, nothin." He shrugged.

Lucy rolled her eyes and sat up, leaning her back against the back-board of the bed. She gazed across the room with eyes full of content and wonder.

"You know Natsu, I wish we could stay like this."

"Like what?" He asked, sitting up with her.

"You know, like this. Not having to worry about the war, with me, you, Happy and Carla. We could be a family. Not a random group of refuge mages scraping to keep their lives. I want to have a family, to have kids of my own, to live a normal life...But I cant. Dont you ever wish that?"

Natsu took her words to heart, he had never had a family before, or even thought about having kids of his own. But as Lucy said it, all of it sounded pretty good.

"Lucy, I have always been alone all my life. I have never had someone else to turn to, I had to rely on only myself for everything. But now you come alone and change all of that!" He confessed.

"Is that a good thing?" She asked, confused.

"It is, I lead a lonely life. But you have opened my up to a whole new world and I want every part of it. But I cant see this world without you in it, please even after this is all over stay with me. Stay by my side, I dont know anyone else and I would be lost without you!"

Natsu was literally begging, Lucy was shocked by this sudden burst of news. But her face rose and she nodded. Relief filled Natsu's every bone and he began to jump for joy. He yelled at the top of his lungs, not caring about the world around him, only that Lucy was with him to stay.

"What do you think you are doing?! Be quiet, you're going to wake up the entire city!" Lucy shushed him, a pink blushed covering her soft cheeks.

"Im just using my voice." He stated plainly.

"A voice can be a dangerous thing." She sighed.

Her simple line, stopped him. Then he realized something, he has his answer. A voice can be dangerous, but what if a voice was silenced?

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