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Hello everyone! This new update is super annoying! It took my almost an hour to get my picture up for you guys, because I had to upload it to Pinterest first then paste the link and find the right version of the link they wanted -_-'. So frustrating!! But after all my hard work you get a nice picture, so please enjoy it!

I dedicate this chapter to sakurablossom98 !

You are all amazing, and dont let anyone tell you different! ^-^

It had been over a week since Natsu had given his speech to the guild members, after that word spread and the guild hall flooded with every single member of Fairy Tail. They all stopped reporting to the Base Camp and decided to stay at the guild. Lucy starred in marvel at how many people actually belonged to the same guild as her. She had never been able to see them all in the same place before.

Lucy miraculously found out that Happy had wings and could fly! Who would have thought that a cat could fly?! Next thing you know, pigs will be flying too.

Also in the last week, she and Natsu had been inseparable. They had been together during everything that had been happening around them, the rebellion only making them stronger.

At the moment Lucy sat at a small wooden table with her best friends, life couldn't get much better. Levy on her left and Natsu to her right. A few things had changed now that many guild members saw each other for the first time, Lucy noticed Levy was unusually close to a tall dark haired man. He was covered in many scars and had a tough attitude but he meant to harm to Levy. Also the white exceed they had saved along with happy, Carla, she had taken a liking to the young dragon mage named Wendy.

The whole guild was filled with laughter and happiness, nothing had ever been so joyous. But the joy was brought to an end.

A loud explosion caught everyone off guard, and the large room went silent.

"What was that?!" Lucy hid behind Natsu.

She tried to think of the best possible explanations for that noise. Crashing construction, an erupting volcano, accidental magic use, anything but the councils evil workings.

Then there was another explosion, this one closer than the last, the guild ceased their silence and broke out into a wild panic. Everyone screaming, yelling, running everywhere. Lucy felt Natsu's hand pulling on hers, she gripped it tighter but soon foreign bodies were pulling them further and further apart.

"Natsu!" She yelled.

"Hold on Lucy!" He called to her, but their fingers slipped and she fell into the sea of chaos.

Lucy sat on the ground, watching the rapid movement around her, feet trampled her and kicked her unawearof her presence.

Suddenly everything went dark, Lucy covered her ears from the strength of the screams. Then the entire building collapsed, debris and rubble falling on everyone. Through the wreckage Lucy saw a giant force-field over the entire guild, that was slowly shrinking.

But then it stopped, and started to glow. A spout of fire erupted and hit the shield, only to have no effect against its barrier. But that fire meant something else to Lucy, it meant Natsu.

She ran to the source, her heart pounding. She jumped and avoided pieces of the guild, now laying scattered on the ground. She ran all the way to the other end of the half-sphere, when she saw him. He was yelling hysterically at the sky, fire spewing from his body.

"Natsu! Stop it!" She yelled, trying to calm him down.

He quit his yelling, looked over and saw her, he smiled in relief. His fire going out immediately, without him even noticing.

"Luce, your okay!"

He also ran to her, they embraced for a second then separated realizing they had to deal with a big situation.

"Look at the guild." Lucy sighed.

"Its okay, its not like we have any attachment to it. We were forced to come here. I say good riddance!"

She laughed, he was right.

"Was is this thing?" She gestured to the force-field.

"I dont know, but we cant get out."

"They are trying to trap us here?"

"I dont think so..."

At that very moment an excruciating her body, a deathly familiar pain. Both Natsu and Lucy fell to the ground, their eyes wide in surprise.

"This is..."

"It cant be..."

Natsu screamed in pain as it worsened. The recognizable runes appeared on Lucy's skin for proof of their previous thoughts.

Magic erupted from them, fire from one, star light from the other and floated up to the top of the field. Hundreds of other colors of magic spiraled their way up and was sucked up into the vortex. It was a giant annual test machine, used to suck up all the mages magic and used as a power source.

"L-Luce..." A strained voice sounded.

She turned to see Natsu next to her, his face crunched in pain. She crawled over to him as he crawled to her, they laid on the ground beside each other their magic melding making sparkling flames as it ascended.

The last thing she heard before the dark world took over her spirit was four words that would haunt her for eternity.

"Fair Tail is dead!"

Land of the Ashen: A Dark Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now