Base Camp

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I am so stressed right now, and I have been stressed for the last year and a half! First we moved from Montana last summer, not we are moving again?! Into a smaller condo in Ocean Side. Anyone know the place?

I dedicate this chapter to LucyAshleyHeartfilia!

Please comment!


"Why did it have to be a train..." Natsu laid sprawled out on the bench in front of her.

"I didn't know something so basic could take out the mighty Salamander!" She teased.

Natsu tried to fight back, but was helpless to do so and went back to cooping with the swirling of his stomach. Lucy, felt bad for the guy, he was a total and complete reck. How could he do this every time he traveled. No wonder he struggled so much and begged her to walk. Purely out of sympathy she strode to his bench, sat down and gently placed his head on her lap. It was going to be a long ride, she might as well comfort him, besides she just wanted him to feel better, that was all.

They couldn't have walked anyway, the only way to the battle filed was by the train and ever since the war started only guild members were allowed to ride. No civilians could ride, they walked, no matter how far the place was. The "peasants" of Fiore were all very poor. All lived in extremely small houses that didn't really serve as a house at all, this was the type of place where she was born. But she was lucky, most have no place at all, at most the clothes on their backs. Guild mages, were treated better, but in a different way they were worse off. They were given food and clothes, but once you are given one pair you keep that same pair for the next two or three years. You were also made to live in the guilds bunkers, which really was one big room for the girls and one for the boys. If you were lucky to get your own room, thats a different story. Lucy had been wearing the same grey clothes for the last year and they were a bit tight. They used to be white, but after this long they turned a whole new color. She also had to mend all the places she had been scraped up, so now the whole thing was a ball of sewing lines and dirt. The skirt was black and now came up to above her knees, but it was same as her shirt. Her boots were worn but, you get shoes more often than clothes, these pair were only a few months old.

Natsu's voice entered her brain as he let out a soft groan, it would seem that he fell asleep. He let out peaceful breaths it made a sort of rhythm, but the warm air tickled her legs. She held in her laughter, but it took all she had to not through him off her lap in a giggle fit.

Lucy had to deal with that extremely annoying and antagonizing ticklish breath for two hours! When the train stopped she finally couldn't take it anymore and pushed Natsu off her lap. Springing up from his collision with the floor he looked around frantically.

"What happened, whats going on?!" Hands ready to hit something.

"Wow, wow slow down there. Everything is fine." She rest her hand on his shoulder.

He looked at her, then relaxed, realizing how stupid that must have looked.

"We...should, just get going." He took her wrist and lead her out of that crazy metal contraption.

Outside of the train was a huge building, much bigger than the guild he had just joined. It was grey and dusty, a walled magic fence surrounded the entire thing as he saw people marching all over the grounds. The sky was ash grey and compared to the land, looked like there hadn't been sun for years.

"Home sweat home." Lucy huffed as she strode towards the great tower.

"What is this place?" Natsu asked in awe.

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