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I know I haven't been updating according to regular schedule, but I having a tinny writers block and I am super busy with life right now! So don't hate me, the chapters will come just a little later than usual.

I dedicate this chapter to FabLuce!

Remember I am terrible with fighting scenes...


As Lucy barely dodged Zane's attacks, the sky grew dark and loud. Flashes of light spiraled down from the tormented clouds.

Both Zane and Lucy paused their fierce dances to watch the sight.

"Looks like your friend angered Winter, he must be pretty good. Not many people can get her really mad." Zane shrugged.

Lucy glanced over towards the direction Natsu was fighting, he was behind a old building, so she couldn't see anything but a light coming from the other side. But she trusted her partner, she knew he was strong and that he could get threw this. He had to, he was the first person to like her for who she was and not judge her by a number. But Lucy also had to complete her battle, so she could still be his partner.

"Well, I have had my fun. Its time to get serious." Zane gripped the knife in his hand and charged with unimaginable speed.

Lucy didn't have enough time to react as he slashed her arm, she let out a small shriek as warm blood trailed down to her wrist.

"I summon the, gate of the ram, Aries!" Lucy called another one of her spirits. She stood shyly, eyes gazing at the ground. Pink hair straight, then at the bottom turning to puffy curls, she wore a short wool dress with matching elbow length gloves.

"Hime..." She simply sighed.

"Please!" Lucy pointed to Zane, who seemed to be getting annoyed with all these spirits.

"Aries, lets go!" Loke and Aries charged at Zane, he dodged all their attacks. Then Aries trapped him in a thick cloud of pink wool.

He thrashed frantically, trying to escape with no avail.

"Regulus Impact!" Loke held his wrist as his golden ring glowed like untouched sunlight. Pacing up to Zane he punched him in the face, causing him to be launched backwards threw Aries wool and land on the ground.

"Good job!" Lucy congratulated them. Cautiously walking up to the dazed Zane she dreaded what came next, this was always her least favorite part. Weather it was her laying there or her doing the dead. The rules were that you have to fight your opponent until they cant compete anymore. There was no giving up, no surrender sand no mercy.

"Lucy, we..." Loke started.

"I know!" She stopped him. She looked at him, now awake from his freeze and looking at her in shock. The sight brought tears to her eyes of how pathetic he looked, she just stood there not wanting to do it.

"What are you waiting for?! Don't humiliate me with this hesitation!" Zane yelled.

This stopped Lucy, maybe he was right. Just get it over with. She placed a shaky hand on Loke's shoulder and nodded. But she couldn't look as Loke made the final blow and knocked him out.

"Thanks you guys." Lucy thanked her spirits as she sent them back to the spirit world, leaving her and an unconscious Zane. She could barely look at him beat up body and remember that she had done that. She walked to him, dragged him out of the rubble and onto the soft grass. With that she walked limply back to Natsu to see how he was holding up.

Meanwhile Before

The sky light up with a bright brilliance that was not exactly inviting. Natsu watched as Winter changed, not her appearance or physical features but her entire countenance differed.

Then she turned her head back down to face Natsu, her eyes wide with anger.

"You hit me!!" She shrieked at the him, in such a tone that made birds fly from the trees.

Natsu took a step back, not really wanting to fight such a hight tempered person. Then Winter lifted a hand to the sky, and a lightning bolt shot down where Natsu was standing a second before.

"Hey, that could have hit me!"

"Idiot, thats the point!" She pointed again as lightning bolt rained down, he could only run for his life at the moment.

"Fire dragons ROAR!!" He yelled at a steady stream of fire shot from his mouth.

Winter gasped and quickly jumped out of the way.

"That almost hit me."

"Thats the point, idiot." He mocked her, but she did not like this and her face turned cold.

"Lets get some rain to put put that nasty fire." With a snap of her fingers rain came down like it had never rained before. The fall was torrential and pounded against Natsu skull.

"Natsu!" He heard a voice and turned to see Lucy. She gripped her arm witch was bleeding and bruises covered her legs. She must have defeated Zane, with difficulty. But she was standing, looking at him, pushing him on. There was no way he could loose now, if Lucy could win then so could he.

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