The Vermillion War

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Guess what...I have a confession! I think I really like somebody! Sorry, I cant tell you who he is, one because thats weird and two he might actually read this some day. But I just wanted to get it out there, probably nothing is going to happen, he is super funny and nice. Wish me luck! :)

I dedicate this chapter to 12Redsky34!

Love you all! ^-^

Days, weeks, months passed filled the endless fighting. Most believed the war would never end and lost hope that the resolve would ever come. Especially since they were still at war with Parasaph and fighting two terrible wars was completely unheard of. But this time there was no politeness to their battles, knowing the advantages of freedom, the people became heartless and cheated. Doing anything necessary to win, to kill.

The city that was once filled with people, and shambled houses was now flattened. A black valley spreading as far as the eye could see, however that wasn't quite far from the thick smoke and ash floating in the air like a solid. So thick it had blocked out all forms of the sun and fauna of life. Most had already forgotten the sun existed and become used to the grey rise of morning, grey afternoon and grey evenings.

But not Natsu, he remembered, he remembered everything. It was the reason he fought so hard, why he would never give in. Especially at this moment, the most crucial moment of the war. He crouched in the open plain surrounded by his comrades standing face to face with the one man responsible for everything. The one man that made their lives one not worth living, he was the one to blame.

Klyn Gnash, the head Chairman of the council, the puppeteer who pulled the strings. His dark black hair stuck up in a greasy mesh, his once fancy robes now cover in mud and tattered. His calm and collected eyes were now thrown into chaos, as they starred back at Natsu with a craving madness.

"Look what you have done to my kingdom!" He fumed, his entire body shaking and twitching.

"You are the one who did this." Grey responded.

"!" Klyn refused clutching at the sides of his head.

"You have to stop this!" Erza ordered.

"No! Its all your fault!" He bellowed, pointing one ridged finger.

"It doesn't have to be this way." Lucy called out to him.

"Shut up, girl!" Klyn charged up to Lucy ready to strike, but Natsu beat him to it.

"Don't you dare touch her!"

"You forget, I am the Chairman of the council. You have no idea what I'm capable of!" 

Suddenly a searing pain overwhelmed Natsu's side, he looked to see blood pouring from a open wound. Falling on his knees he immedietly thrust his hand and applied pressure to it, hoping to stop the blood. But how did that happen? No one even moved, nothing happened.

"Natsu!" Happy grabbed at his arm in worry.

"How...why?" Natsu gasped, shocked.

"Why? Because I told it to." Klyn's head dangled by his shoulder as he giggled psychotically. Out of nowhere Wendy screamed, blood flying out of her arm as she fell to the ground.

"Wendy!" Erza crouched down to her, but as she did her temple exploded with a powerful force making her faint from the sudden invisible blow.

"What did you do?!" Lucy demanded.

"Nothing." Klyn simply looked at her as Lucy doubled over backwards from a severe blow to the stomach, she laid there groaning in pain. Red liquid soaked the ground all around them.

"You..." Natsu clenched his jaw, the pain in his side too immense to move.

"Me? Me what? I wonder what kind of words could be swirling around your head?" He mocked with his delirious laughter.

Grey alone was left standing against the monster, but he didn't look afraid nor did he seem angry.

"One to go." He chuckled madly.

"Wait." Grey demanded calmly.

"What?!" Yelled annoyed.

"I want to know, what magic is it that you use?"

"Thats not really any of your business, but I control anything in space. I ask it to do something and it does it, like this." Grey let out a cry as he grabbed his leg, the repeated wound latched itself onto him as it did the others. "There, I simply asked your leg cut itself. Or I can ask her head to implode" he gestured to Erza "and her kidney to tear and rip itself." He stood in front of Lucy, momentarily gaining back his sanity. "Its quite easy really."

"Your a monster." Natsu spat.

"Of corse I am." A crooked smile spread across his mouth as he regained his paranoia. "And with you gone, there will be no one left to ruin everything!" His voice pitched high and insane. "Good bye Fairies!"

Natsu shut his eyes tightly, waiting for the final blow. But there was nothing, no pain, not even a sound. He opened one eye, to see Klyn starring at something in horror. Natsu turned his head both eyes wide open looking for what he had seen. Natsu grinned, tears almost fell from his eyes from joy.

"You, what are you doing here?!" Klyn sniveled.

"Doing what I should have done years ago." Master Makarov stood there now a staggering seven feet tall. But his height wasn't what was threatening, his face showed pure hatred and motive.

"But you work for me!" Klyn fell backwards as Gramps started walking forwards. This however, seemed to anger him even more. In all the commotion Natsu slowly crawled over to Lucy, he needed to be by her side.

"I never worked for you." Gramp's closed his eyes, slowly placing his hands together.

"You will die for this!" He tried using his spacial magic. "What why isn't it working?!"

"Klyn, you no longer have any power here. Begone!"

"You haven't seen the last of me!" Klyn yelled his last words.

"Fairy Law, activate!" A bright yellow light shined from the ground underneath him. Natsu shot his head up to see the giant magic circle floating in the sky, its light illuminated the sky. The black clouds slowly started to dissolve into little particles of light, flowing outwards from the circle. Releasing the blue sky from its dark prison. Beautiful blue, a color foreign for such a long time, now brought back to life.

"NO!!" Klyn bellowed in anger and pain as he himself also evaporated into tiny glittery pieces.

"Natsu, is it really over?" Natsu looked down in shock, surprised she was awake.

"Yes, it really is."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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