Recovering Sorrows

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Happy Thanksgiving!!! A day full of food, happiness, family, food and even more food! This book just reached 1,000 readers! Thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without my amazing readers!

I dedicate this chapter to Animelover272727!

I cant think of anything to say...


Natsu felt himself in wonderland, it was soft and warm. He didn't ever want to leave this feeling, but then the feeling of comfort was replaced with pain and an aching sore. The memories of his last battle flooded through his head as his thought immediately wandered to Lucy. She was hurt, was she alright?

He sat straight up in his seat, seeing he was in the medical base of Fairy Tail. It was a huge tent, full of beds that mostly held a wounded member. The Medical base resided deep inside the maze of other tents near the battle fields. But at this time he frantically searched the room looking for any speck of blonde.

"What are you doing?" He heard a nearby Nurse turn alerted. She had long dark black hair and a stern voice. "Lay back down this instant!"

Natsu ignored her and continued his mission, but this only seemed to anger her more. She grabbed his arm and forced him back on the rickety bed.

"Stop it, I have to find Lucy!" He tried to reason.

"That can wait, right now you have to rest!" She struggled to keep him down.

"Lydia!!" She yelled.

Another nurse came rushing in, saw the mess and helped her restrain him. But Natsu was so determined to find his partner that he couldn't settle down, not at a time when she was hurt. He had to see her!

The next few moments were a blur as he saw a syringe pierce his forearm, he felt dizzy as a cloud slowly encased his vision, then nothing.


Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried to remember what had happened. Those crazy ladies injected him with something! Why was he so mad anyway? Lucy. He needed to see Lucy. How long was he out? Was she alright?

Natsu forced his eyes open to see the two nurses jump back from his sudden show of life, the seemed...scared.

"What happened?" He asked them, just to make sure he had gotten his brain in the right order.

"You sorta freaked out, sorry we had to knock you out." The black haired one sighed.

"You were worried about your partner right?" The brunet, Lydia, asked.

Natsu nodded.

"She is fine, see for yourself." She stepped away from her previous spot to reveal a sleeping blonde. She had a mask over her mouth for breathing that showed condensation on the sides as she breathed out. She looked peaceful, her wounds were bandaged. Her shirt was lifted to show the wrapping around her chest and stomach, but she still looked beautiful.

"Luce..." His voice came out as a crack.

"She was badly injured, but she should be fine with some rest." The black haired nurse added.

"Has she waken up yet?" He asked.

Lydia shook her head, leaving to check on Lucy.

"How long have I been out?"

"Not too long, you have been at the Medical base for only about two days. You woke up earlier today, but then we had that incident." She sighed.

"Whats your name?" Natsu asked, out of pure curiosity.

"Carol, now I am very busy. I see that you are alright now, I will leave but you have to stay there. Don't even try to get up!" She scolded.

Natsu watched as she left, left him to watch over the sleeping Lucy. He could stare at her for hours, for an odd reason she was so captivating. Just the way she did things, even simple things he loved. Her smile always brought light into his day and her laughed was music. But how could have all these feelings for a person he'd only know for a few weeks?! Either way, he had these weird feelings and there was no stopping them now.

Then something came to his mind. He didn't want Lucy to wake up in a place like this, at least not like he did.

"Carol!" Natsu called out into the crowd. He repeated the word until she popped out, strolling up to him with a face of annoyance.

"What?!" She exasperated.

"I was wondering if Luce and I could go back to our hotel room and rest there? Then we wouldn't bother you!" He smiled with hope.

"Fine! Anything to get you out of here!" She panted.

They were transported back to the hotel by the gassy truck from his first battle, naturally he became sick. But he tried his best to pull through for Lucy. She was still asleep, laying on the rotting, flooring wooden boards of the back truck. Once they arrived he carried her up to their room and placed Lucy gently onto the bed, placing the cover over her to keep her warm. By covers they were tattered, old, over used blankets that had been there for years past their expiration date.

Since he himself hadn't quite recovered fully yet, he sat down at the table. He breathed out, trying to catch his breath, he hadn't even noticed quite how tired he was until now. He was just drifting into a slumber when a loud ringing shook him from his daze. Looking around the room, the source of this annoying noise was a small box on the wall. Hesitantly tiptoeing to the wall, he pressed a small red circle on the box. The ringing stopped and now a voice came through.

"Lucy Heartfilia." It was a woman's voice, trying to address Lucy.

"This is her partner, Natsu." He corrected the voice.

"Please tell Lucy that her year is over and it is her time to take the test. You have two days to rest, make sure she is ready." With that the voice left.

It left Natsu to his thoughts. What test? Year was up? Did Lucy do something wrong?

He decided to forget it and tell her when she woke up. Placing himself on the make-shift bed on the floor, instantly he fell asleep his mind full with thoughts of Lucy.

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