Feelings Unseen

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It had been so long since I have updated this! Im sorry. But I have busy, we all get busy sometimes. Right?! Or are some kind of weirdo that never does anything....not school, or work, or BREATHE?! Oh man I feel for you! But then there is me who is always doing something and never gets a rest!

I dedicate this chapter to UDontSay143!

Please tell me how you like it!

He couldn't hear her, but he knew that at this very moment Lucy was having the greatest pain in her life. Just this thought of her crying tore Natsu's heart. The only thing he could do now was wait, wait the long agonizing hours. Knowing that his best friend was in pain and he couldn't do a thing about it. There he sat, alone in the corner of the tent. He waited, and waited more. Until finally out she came, her body limp and unconscious. She was carried by a small girl. She had long dark blue hair and brown eyes. She had a dress was a short blue, long socks had wholes and simple brown flats to her delicate feet.

But Lucy was battered and sweeting, her face was tight with pain and her breath was deep. The small girl approached Natsu.

"Are you Natsu?" She asked, her voice calming, but sad.

He nodded, his eyes fixed to Lucy.

"You should take her home now, she needs rest."

Natsu stood taking the wounded mage into his arms, he strode towards the entrance of the tent. But stopped himself.
"Hey, whats your name?"

The small girl looked up in shock.

"Thanks, Wendy." He smiled and left the tent, not even noticing the bitter cold.

As Natsu walked the long journey back to the base, he thought about that girl. She was so small, so young, too young. She only looked barely twelve! And she was mixed up in a war like this, having to risk her very life for a cause that didn't even make sense! Even Lucy, she was taken from her family at the age of five. For what? Because she was a mage. Being a mage shouldn't be a bad thing, but something to cherish.

Before he knew it he was already back at the camp, he entered the sad, beaten building.

"Natsu, what happened to Lucy?"

Natsu looked up to see Erza, the armored mage from the Masters office when they went to see their ranks. She ran up to him with a worried look plastered to her face.

"What happened?" She asked again.

Shocked, Natsu answered.
"She had to take the annual test."

"Oh, I hate those. Im sure she will be fine though." Erza shivered.

"Lucy!" Another voice ran up to Natsu. It was Grey and Juvia.

"Is she okay?" Grey asked in shock.

"Yeah..." Natsu barely uttered. This was all too confusing, he specifically remembered Luce telling him that people didn't like her very much, but yet. There they were, worried about her.

"Master had her take the annual test." Erza answered for him.

"Those are cruel!" Juvia squealed.

"Whats going on he- Lucy!" A girl with brown curly hair approached the commotion, her face turned sour and surprised when she too saw the unconscious Celestial Mage. She had nothing but a blue bikini and khaki shorts, but she smelled purely of booze and bear.

Soon the lobby was swarmed with people, trying to crowd around and see if Lucy was alright. He had never seen so many people be so concerned about one person. Whether they be old partners, friends or even passer byres. They all wanted to see if she, Lucy, was okay. This one girl who thought she was alone this whole time. But in reality she had all these people worried and loving her the entire time, but couldn't see it.

"Guys!!" Natsu called to all their attention. "Luce is fine, but she needs rest back at her room."

Agreeing that was best the people dispensed and left to leave Nastu to take care of her in a quieter way. He trudged up stairs and unlocked the door to their room. He laid Lucy in the moth eaten bed, tucked her in the sat there. He just sat there and started thinking. He thought about how cruel this whole system was, there was no freedom, no rights, nothing. People were living in fear and hunger. They couldn't change who they were and they were judged or taken because of that. The entire kingdom was going to die at this rate, there was no food, no resources, no love. Just rules.

Something needed to be done, this whole crazy theory needed to stop. It was then when Natsu made up his mind.

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