Dragon Vs. Dragon

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I think they fixed the problem! I am so happy, I can start actually publishing my chapters again! Sorry about that, but don't worry, more are on their way. Oh, please check out the other book I am writing at the same time as this one, its called Hide and Seek. I have heard a lot of good things about it so, thanks!

I dedicate this chapter to KellyTong086!

Hope you all like it!

Jumping and dodging the odd colored attacks, Natsu found that he was having quite a hard time with his opponent. When ever he attacked, Jonah came right back with a counter-offensive. At this point he was just annoyed, neither of them had been able to touch each other yet. No matter how many attack he threw they never seemed to get through.

"Well, Natsu son of Igneel. You are tougher than you look." Jonah stood up straight.

"You too." Natsu admitted.

"Lets stop playing shall we?"

"I couldn't agree more."

Both dragon slayers took to their battle positions, arms spread out beside them. Natsu thought it odd that they were mirror images of each other as they fought, one doing the exact same as the other even in stances. It was ticking him off, he was him and no one else could!

"Fire dragons ROAR!!" Natsu let a jet of hot flames toward Jonah.

"Ethereal dragons ROAR!!" The two attacks collided into a red fury.

Jumping back, they charged at each other, fist glowed with magic. Again they were equal and both thrown aside, skidding across the field.

This fight wasn't going anywhere, he attacked and dodged over and over like it was a constant theme, but with no avail. Then something came that Natsu wasn't expecting.

"Ethereal dragons ROAR!!" Again Jonah sent his purple spray hurling towards him, but this time he didn't have enough time to avoid it. He was hit head on, he hadn't experienced many things as painful as this. It burned, but like an acid. Not being affected by fire or heat, this was a new sensation to him.

"You-!" Natsu yelled, stopping himself from cursing.

"I said, enough games." He mocked.

Huffing Natsu charged at him again, but this time he was immediately deflected and sent back. This was even more antagonizing than before!

"Sorry Natsu, but I dint plan on being degraded again." Jonah stated calmly as he threw another punch to his nose. Hearing a sickening crack, he knew it was broken as blood dripped fluently from it.

"Sorry, but I am going to kick you butt!" He shakily stood.

"Words with no meaning behind them are no words at all."

"But words with a will behind them are the most powerful." Natsu smirked and stood tall.

"Its pointless to resist."

"Really? Im just getting started." Not waiting for the next attack he launched at Jonah giving him an iron fist to the face.

A shocked expression was replaced with anger as he sent mote attacks at Natsu, one after another, leaving no room to escape or even think about attacking back. Natsu only took the blows, trying to swallow the pain. Then the world stopped, but his head still spun. His entire being was filled with so much pain it was almost numb, the feeling was as irritating as it was painful. He lay on his stomach on the earthy ground, arms out in front of him.

"Well, how pathetic are we now? Guess this Igneel is a pretty pathetic dragon." Jonah laughed.

Something inside Natsu snapped, they could mock him al they wanted, but no one insulted his father!
"You take that back tight now!" He roared with fuming rage.

"Oops, looks like I hit a soft spot."

Natsu stood and grabbed his throat.
"I said, you take that back, NOW!" His voice was louder and filled wit more fury than he had ever heard himself ever before.

Jonah's face hadn't changed, still calm past the fact that he was being chocked.

"What is wrong with you?!" Small flames leak from his lips.

Again, he didn't answer, a smirk forming to his countenance.

Fed up with him he threw him away, with such force that he tumbled across the grass.
"You are a foolish one, Natsu."

Natsu froze, but not on his own will, he was paralyzed. What?!

"You shouldn't have touched me." He walked around Natsu, observing his unmoving body. "I hid a poison on my skin, all you had to do was touch it. It doesn't affect me of corse. Now why don't we have a little fun, shall we?"

Fun? What kind of fun was he talking about, whatever it was, it was going it be good. Suddenly an ear piercing scream filled the air, making a still silence thicken the air. Natsu moved his eyes over to see the two girls, Rachel was starring at Lucy in shock as she was curled up in a ball on the ground.

"Jonah, what did you do?!" Rachel gasped.

"Just having a bit of fun." He snickered.

"Stop it, this is my fight!" She argued.

"Well, its my turn now!" He yelled at his partner. Her face widened and she stepped back with sadness.

What was this guy going to do to Lucy?!

"Watch the fun."

Natsu could only stare in horror as Jonah lifted Lucy up by her hair, face fixed with pain, barely awake. In his other hand he formed a sword made from his ethereal mist and held it to Lucy's neck. He pulled back the sword and with a heave let it slice. It took a moment to realize what had happened, but Lucy had woken up and dodged out of the way at the very last second. A little too late, chunks of blonde slid to the grass like fresh fallen snow.

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