Pain of Parnters

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I actually wrote a chapter of "My Christmas Wish" instead of it just being COMING SOON. I thought that was too cheesy, so the first chapter of that is out if you want to check it out. But I will say that the following chapter may not come for a while...

I dedicate this chapter to truth000!

Keep Calm and Read On!


Lucy opened the door to their room, placing Natsu on the bed with a thud, she collapsed on the floor. She had just carried his limp body a mile up and over the hill that separated the camp from the field. It may not sound that bad, but he was heavy!

She didn't usually get down time like this, so she just laid there. Wanting to relax all day and sleep, but Natsu needed her help. He would wake up soon and need assistance, they always did. Lucy had had many partners, none stuck around for very long. They always took up and left because she was too weak for their liking. She could only hope that Natsu would be different. But why would he be? None of the other were.

Lucy pushed herself from the floor and strode to the "kitchen" it was more like a sink with a tiny refrigerator, and stove. But she didn't even have a kitchen where she was born, so it was better than nothing. She knew Natsu would be hungry when he woke up so she made a little something. It wasn't much, but there wasn't much to begin with. She wished she could make him a whole meal with chicken and vegetables. But no one here ever had a full meal at one setting, so instead she set for some bread rolls.

Just as she was putting them in the oven, she hear Natsu stir. Running up to him, she felt his forehead, it was burning up! How could a fire mage get a temperature?! She pushed the thought aside and ran to grab a wash cloth, ran in under cold water and placed it on his forehead. His tense face softened a bit, but what he needed now was rest. The problem was he had no choice but to fight tomorrow, they would make him even if he was sick. There were no sick days in war.

She took out a bowl and filled it with ice and cold water, soaking and replacing the cloth. Lucy sat on the edge of the bed, sighing. Its not normal for a person to get a fever from the test, maybe he wasn't as powerful as his boasting seemed. Shrugging it off she stood up and took the rolls from oven, letting the cool off. She waved the steam away from them, trying to help the process. When she felt a presence right behind her, she stiffened and turned. Standing right behind her, eyeing the rolls was a hungry Natsu.

"Natsu! Don't scare me like that! What are you doing out of bed, get back!" She pushed him back.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, looking confused.

"You have a temperature, get back in bed. You need rest for tomorrow!" She kept pushing, but with no avail.

"Oh you mean this." He held up the wash cloth.

"Yes, yes."

"I had temperature?" He felt his own forehead.

"Yes, now will you move!" She gave up pushing and tried using words.

"Oh, I don't get sick like that. My body is always this warm." She smiled like there wasn't a care in the world.

Lucy stopped, shocked that she got all shaken up for nothing. She just huffed, turned and went back to the rolls. Natsu peered over her shoulder again, drool escaping his mouth.

"Natsu, that disgusting!" She swatted him away.

"If you don't leave me alone while I prepare these, no rolls for you." She threatened.

"Lucy is mean!" He whined.

"I'm not mean! Just wait on the bed, you should be tired from the test anyway."

"Actually, not that bad."

"Really? Thats odd, most people are sore for the next two days." She talked while she placed the rolls on two plates. She places the plates on the table and sat down. "Alright, its ready."

Natsu rushed over and started to shove the rolls into his mouth like it was the only food he had ever eaten.

"Dont you know how to eat normaly?!" She whacked him on the head.

"Oowww!" She clutched his cranium in pain. "What was that for?"

"If you are going to eat here,then eat like a human being!"

He groaned and started to eat one bite after another, how she was used to people eating.

"Besides if you eat like that, it will be gone faster. We don't have that much and if you eat it like that it will be gone in a minute." She sighed.

"Luce, how many partners have you had before me?" Natsu asked.

Lucy was shocked, no one had ever asked about that before. They knew it was a painful subject.

"I" She tried to smile.

Natsu chocked on his food.

"And they all died?!"

"No! They are all still in the guild, just with different people."

"I heard that most people had one partner until retirement?"

"There is no retirement, they just tell you that. You are lucky to make it to fifty here, but yes your right. Most people have one partner, or two if that on dies." She sighed.

"Then why did you have so many?" He was now getting serious.

"Well, lets just say they didn't like me." Lucy picked up the empty plates and started to wash them.

"Who wouldn't like you?" These word stopped her washing, she stood there starring at the wall. She had never met anyone who truly liked her for who she was, no one could get past the fact that she was weak and pathetic.

"Hey, you okay?" Natsu placed a hand on her shoulder, wondering why she had froze. When he got closer he noticed tears dripping from her eyes. "Wow, whats wrong?!"

She still stood there hands in the soapy water, looking straight at the wall, not moving.

"Luce, snap out of it!" He shook her roughly.

She lifted her eyes to meet his.

"What up with you?" He sighed.

She lifted her hand to wipe the tears.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to people saying that."

"That weird, everyone should have friends."

"Well I do have Levy, but she has different rounds as me. She is at the guild in Magnolia while I am here, we only get one day to see each other."

"Well, you got me now. So no need to be alone!" He gave her thumbs up.

Her eyes widened, then dropped.

"For now, yes. Thats what they always say."

"I don't know what these other partners did to you but from here on I will be your only partner!" He smiled.

"Thanks Natsu. Somehow I truly believe that." She gave a small smile.

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