Two Days

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It is finally Christmas time!! I am so happy, its my favorite season and favorite holiday. Firstly because my birthday is this month and secondly the snow!! I miss the snow so much, anyone who is in the snow this christmas? I envy you!

I dedicate this chapter to AnimePia!

Happy holidays!!

Lucy's eyes flew straight open, memories of her nightmare wondered about her brain as she covered her eyes with her hands, trying to calm down. Her breath was rapid as cold sweat layered her pale skin. The room was dark, still to remind her of the terrifying images.

"Luce?" She gasped, startled even more by this sudden voice. She tried to distance herself from this strange voice, only to be tackled by it. This voice had arms hair? Natsu.

"Idiot, you scared me!" He whispered with force.

"Sorry." She remembered their battle from before. Slowly she reached a hand up to her neck to feel the cut line of her hair, it was now significantly shorter and stuck out at odd angels. Since it was a hair cut on purpose, it looked...choppy. She would get Cancer to fix it later, now she need to rest and think about Natsu. "How long have I been out?" She asked.

"I was out for about two days, but you only a little longer. Its still the middle of the night from my first day." He sighed, sitting himself on the bed next to her.

"I see." She examined the room, they were back in their hotel room. Usually she always woke up in the Medical Tent, but Natsu had actually convinced them to bring them back here! To say the least, she was impressed.

"Oh, yeah today a woman called saying you had to take a test." Lucy's heart stopped.

Not now! Not again! Had it really been a year already?

"Hey, whats wrong?" Natsu asked, seeing her reaction.

"Nothing, I'm fine." She turned over in the sheets.

"No, don't lie."

"How many days?" She asked solemnly.

"Since you already woke up, two days left."

Lucy flinched, she didn't want to take the test!

"Hey, I will ask again. Whats wrong?" This times his voice was stern.

"Just nervous for this test I presume." She smiled as best she could.

Still not entirely convinced Natsu stood from the bed and walked to the sink.
"Try not to think about it. We have to days and since we are still healing and your test is soon we don't have to go back to the field until after."

"Yeah..." She sighed.

"Well, since we have nothing to do...what so we do?" He observed the small room.

"I dont know. I could try-" Lucy turned herself ready to get up from the bed, but Natsu immediately stopped her.

"No, you have to stay there and rest."

"What do you know about healing? I have been through this many times, and much worse." She admitted.

"Not when I'm here, now stay in bed and rest." He demanded.

Giving in to his command she stayed, watching while Natsu scrambled around the room. It seemed like he was looking for something, but had no idea where it was and decided to simply search everywhere.

"What are you doing?" She giggled.

"Where do you keep the food?" He asked.

"In the cupboard next the the counter." She gestured.

Face lighting up he rushed to the cupboard, expression falling.

"Wheres all the food?!"

"That is all the food, thats all we have. And don't you eat it all, that has to last us for the next week." She warned.

Shrugging it off, he grabbed a small jar. Twisted off the lid and waltzed back to the bed where Lucy resided.

"Here!" He handed a handful of peanuts to her.

"Thanks." She smiled.

They ate in silence, until Lucy had an idea.
"Hey, why don't we play a a game?"

Natsu's face went sour.
"Whats a a game?"

This shocked Lucy, how could he not know what a game was? Had he never any fun? Then she remembered he had a father, until he left him when he was very little and was on bis own since then. In fact there would be very little times for games, especially when you were by yourself.

"Well, its when people play. When they mess around and don't have to worry about anything."

"Oohhhh!" His eyes turned into bright stars.

Lucy nodded, proud of herself. "Yes, but there are rules and if you don't follow them, you will lose."

"I will win!" He jeered.

"Okay, we will play..."

The two started to play their game. There was much cheating...from both parties. Laughing filled the old, rundown walls. The dusty halls hadn't hear this foreign noise for at least a century. The warriors forgot their worries and their troubled pasts, only to live in the moment. The moment where nothing mattered, where life was a joy and they had each other.

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