The Decision

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I just finished my last day of school and I decided its time for another update. Summer is a time of freedom to do anything, so I am going to use this summer to finish my book and start the sequel to "Hide and Seek". I dont know what it will be called yet, but so many people wanted one, so congrats!

I dedicate this chapter to Cryptic_Eyes !

Tell me how you like it

Unknown faces walked distant halls, unfamiliar sounds echoed through empty, useless rooms. One man walked down a quiet corridor, the only sound was the rhythmic taps of his shoes against the stone floor. He approached broad wooden doors, not stopping to open them, they flew open with a great force. He entered the large room, hidden by its looming darkness. The only light came from the very center where a large magic crest lay, men and women laced the ring of the circle as they waited for him to arrive.

"This has gone on long enough, we must do something." A man in a dark cape said.

"Agreed, this is an act of betrayal. We can not let it pass by without consequences." Another mage said from beneath their robes.

"Fairy Tail has always been a thorn in our sides, lets be rid if them once and for all!" A women yelled from the crowd.

"No, we must do this carefully. If anyone else see's Fairy Tails actions and succeed, there could be more people rebelling. We must keep order." He stated, thinking.

"Forget order! This is treason, they are violating every one of the five laws."

The leader rubbed his forehead, not sure what to do. His council was torn between its self and fighting.
"This will not go unchastened, I officially disband Fairy Tail. All members will be hunted and killed, but before you go. Round them up and give them the test."

The Decree was set and all members followed their leader as they went out and prepared for the slaughter. While all the other council members went their ways, the leader went a different direction. He strode through the cold, mournful hall ways of the palace. Only stopping at a window, gazing out at his faded kingdom.

The only buildings left were toppled and crumbled, the sky a permanent color of grey. What was left of a glorious city was only left in the ruins of old memories. But the people still found reasons to live on, big or small it kept them alive. They found rusted trinkets in the crushed houses of those who weren't as lucky and used them to survive.

He was proud to have a nation so responsible, able to fiend for themselves and learn. Such people didn't need things like food and homes because they used the things around them.why should he give them food if they were getting it in other ways? No, the people were fine by themselves. This was why he left them alone, alone to do what ever they please. But only two things he hated. Rebels and mages.

Mages are walking weapons, they alone had power to whatever they wanted. But they would always get in his way, that was when the war happened. He decided to put mages to good use and have them fight for their loved country.

Except Fairy Tail, it was always slipping out of things, arguing their authority. They weren't in charge, he was! Now they had finally pulled his strings too tight, he was putting and end to Fairy Tail and everyone in it.

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