Battle of the Twins

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Hey guys I am so sorry for not updating sooner, I was super busy with school! I hate school, well I shouldn't say that, I hate getting up in the morning and being forced to think all day. So here is another hopefully wonderful chapter for y'all!

I dedicate this chapter to thatyanderechick!

Have fun today! Or tomorrow for all you who are reading this at night! Hee hee!


"Hey, Lucy!" A voice stopped Natsu and Lucy from their walk. They both turned back to see two people running towards them. They stopped in front of them both smiling broadly. There was a boy and a girl, the girl had light blue curly hair, she wore a worn, black dress and brown boots. Her face looked down and blushed slightly, meanwhile the boy had dark blue hair that almost looked black. He wore pants the same color as his hair and a brown tattered shirt. Natsu didn't know why but he had an automatic distaste for the boy.

"Juvia, Grey. Long time no see!" Lucy smiled back to them.

"I see you got a new partner." The boy crossed his arms hugging, as he observed Natsu.

"Ah, yes this is Natsu."

"Doesn't seem that big to me." Grey snickered.

"What was that?!" Natsu was instantly flamed.

"Grey-sama, you shouldn't pick fight with someone you just met." The girl who Natsu assumed to be Juvia exclaimed.

"Yes, well...what field did you get?" Lucy asked, trying to keep the peace.

"We got number 536."

"Wow, we got 782, we can walk together."

The two groups worked together, girls talking and giggling, while the boys simply had a stare down of glares the entire time.

"Well this is our field." Juvia stopped.

"Oh, well its always good to catch up." Lucy sighed in disappointment.

"Agreed, see you soon!" Both Grey and Juvia walked off to their battle.

Lucy continued to wave even after they had turned around, they observed them as they encountered their opponents.

"I don't like that guy..." Natsu grumbled.

"What?!" Lucy paused then burst out laughing.

"Hey, its not funny!"

"No...s-sorry...its not you!" He could barely make out threw her laughter.

"What do you mean by that."

"I totally forgot, Grey is an ice mage. Of corse you wouldn't like him!" She gasped.

"Fire and ice, huh."

Lucy nodded and turned.

"Well, lets get to our field, we don't to keep our partners waiting."

Natsu followed her. As they walked they passed a sign that said "You are leave Fiore!", it must be there was a warning for any passerby's.

"Keep on your toes, we are in Parasaph now." Lucy warned him.

They continued with cation, all the way until they reach their field. To their sunrise it was empty, the ground was flat and the air clear. No building like the last one, this one was completely open.

"Looks like we get some time to rest before the fight." Natsu cheered.

Lucy nodded, still gazing at the scenery.

"Ah, why do we always have to get up so early?" Natsu flopped into the grass, his arms spread out behind him.

He was right, since there were no more clocks except for really rich houses like the council members no one had any sense of time. But they always got up and left before the sun had even risen, it always did during their walk towards camp. It became a sort of ritual or normality to Lucy, but for Natsu who wasn't used to it, must have been exhausted.

Lucy sat down next to her partner, and looked up to the sky. There was a bird flying high up, soaring elegantly on the wind. She always wished she was a bird, so free, so beautiful. Lucy's dream was to fly and get away from Fiore, away from war.

"Sorry we are late!" Lucy turned to see a boy and girl sitting on the ground a few feet from them, looking out of breath.

"No...problem." Lucy didn't really know how to respond to this statement as no one from Parasaph had ever apologized for anything before. Especially not for something as simple as being late.

The boy had blonde hair and was dressed in a dark maroon and black. The girl had long pink, curly hair and had a simple, yet ragged white dress.

But the one thing that caught Lucy's eyes was the keys resting at the girls hip.

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