Worriors of Another Life

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Hello everyone, I am terribly sorry I haven't updated in a long time!! I have been flooded with APUSH homework and Marching Band on top of that! So please forgive me. Also I posted a message on my board, if you haven't read it please do! Its really important!

I dedicate this chapter to regularchick!

Thanks for waiting for me!

It was the day, the day that blood would be spilt and a great outcome would be decided. Weather it be for the good or the bad, no one knew. There gathered in the Eastern Battle Grounds were thousands of people, both young and old, wounded or healthy, all ready to fight. The weary field filled beyond its capability with strict and serious faces. All hearts burned with pure hate, but over coming that was undying hope. Hope for a better life, where no one would fight or have to sacrifice themselves for something they didn't believe in.

They all walked together in a rhythmic unison, marching towards the council. All was silent, save for the patting of feet on the earthy ground. Through the mud and the slush of snow, they moved forward.

At the break of dawn they had reached the Council. The largest building in all of Fiore, scaling up as tall as the clouds and as grand as a mountain. The multiple guards noticed to hoard of people advancing towards them and pointed their weapons, although none seemed to fear the ammunition aimed at them. For it wasn't they who had to fear, but the guards themselves. As they pulled the triggers to their feeble hardware they were frozen, covered in a thick layer of ice, not to be melted for quite a long time.

A single man waltzed past the guards and to the over-sized metal doors, he banged repeatedly and yelled with a torrid rage.
"We are done with your rules, sick of your twisted games and its time we put a stop to all this! I call the name Mavis, who created Fairy Tail and made the guilds to be a place of love not a place of war!"

After the bravery of the man, multitudes of people rushed at the entrance ramming their fists into the iron while angered cries filled the dull air. Magic spheres soared up to the sky and landed atop the roofs burning, freezing, crumbling everything it touched. The entire castle glowed in flames, turning black as it crumbled into ash. People inside screamed as the ran for their lives in the hunting fire, some jumped out of windows others piled out of random safety doors.

More soldiers charged at the Mages, trying to stop them from doing any more damage. A new cycle of never ending guards flowed out of the castle, overwhelming the magic warriors. 

Lucy stood back to back with Natsu as they fended off all numerous soldiers, but to little success they, were wildly outnumbered. Lucy called her spirits and drew her whip, while Natsu burned anyone who came close to him. But Lucy saw something silver pass right behind her, she turned to call out to Natsu in warning. She was too late...

Someone else had blocked the attack by shielding Natsu with a wall of ice, standing right in front of him was Grey. Who had lost his shirt somehow in the battle and stood there now only in his black cargo pants.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Natsu demanded.

"Saving your life hot head." Grey snapped back.

"Who you callin' hot head?" Natsu slammed his forehead into his own.

"Guys, don't fight each other! We are in the middle of a war!" Lucy shouted, trying to separate them.

But suddenly both boys stopped fighting and looked at something in the distance, their faces dropping.

"Lucy!!" They cried in unison.

Lucy spun around to see what they were yelling about, only to see a arrow shooting straight in her direction. She had no time to react, she grabbed her stomach expecting there to be a severe wound, but there was none. Glancing back to the front she saw Erza, blocking the attack with one of her many swords.

"Erza?" Lucy gasped.

"You alright Lucy?" She asked.

Lucy only nodded, her heart beating 100 miles per hour. Her knees buckled beneath her and they hit the dirt, shock streaming through her.

"Lucy!" Natsu trotted over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Im fine, really." She reassured him.

Natsu helped Lucy stand back to her feet, she felt a little magic flow back to her body. Her last spirit must have been killed, she already used Loke and Virgo. There was no way she would summon Aquarius, now she had to use her backup.

"I summon thee, gate of the Archer, Sagittarius!"

A bright light filled the space in front of her and standing in the midst of it was a man, dressed as a horse. Aside from his silly costume, he held a bow and arrow with a stern face. Ready to protect his master.

"Lucy!" He called simply as he sent three arrows whizzing through the air. They hit their targets, slicing easily through the guards flimsy armor.

The four continued to fiend their way through the men, trying their best not to seriously injure them, because they were just the councils pawns. They had no idea what they were doing, so why kill the messenger of the real beast hiding behind locked doors.

Lucy called more spirits, more than she had ever had to use before and it was really taking up her magic. Nevertheless she continued, for the sake of her friends and all the others fighting with her. Her hands covered in sore, red blisters from wielding her whip.

Out of no-where a white blur flew past her and snatched up Grey, he yelled out in confusion as the small body took him higher. Just as he was lifted into the air a giant cat trampled the ground where he once stood. Over closer examination, Lucy saw that it was Carla, she had saved him from the wild cat!

"Watch what your doing!" She huffed.

"Its not my fault!" Grey argued, trying to free himself from her paws. The heated exceed dropped him willingly to the ground with a soft thud.

"Carla! Where did you go? Carla!" A small voice carried over the persistent fighting. Popping out of the crowd came a small blue haired girl, her face dusty but eyes bright.

"Wendy!" Natsu marveled.

"You know her?" They all inquired.

"Yeah she was the one who helped me during Luce's test." He answered.

"Can we talk about this at a better time?" Erza reminded them about the situation they were currently in, while in the midsts of a battle herself.

"Right." Grey turned his bare back to Natsu's and took a stance. Lucy joined and turned her back to the center, followed by Wendy, Erza and the two cats. All watching out for each other, fighting alongside.

Something happened in this moment, as they fought for their freedom. Something brought these few people together, to protect one another, to stand side by side. It wasn't a choice they made, but fate. It seemed as if something had gone array for so long and now it was finally right.

This battle will be known for centuries to come, will be known as the fight for freedom.

It was known as The Vermillion War.

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