Chapter 3

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Lol, I said that I would try to continuously update... We can see how far that got me. Well I hope that this chapter is quiet a filler. Enjoy!!

After about an hour and half of trying to figure out what you were going to bring and what you were going to leave, you finally started to pack. After a good 3 to 4 hours, your whole room was in boxes. Some in the stay pile, most in the go pile. Your bed was taken apart and put into boxes, besides the mattress.
It was obvious that your favorite stuffed bunny, Olifer was coming with. His name is Olifer because when you were little, you couldn't say the letter 'v' correctly, so they came out 'f' instead.
Once Olifer was in your backpack, you ran downstairs. "DAD!" You called, "Come on, I'm ready!"
He came up from out of the basement with his shoes and baseball cap already on. You could tell he had been crying due to the puffiness of his eyes.
"I'll come help you with your boxes" he said.
"Dad, are you alright?" You asked, concerned.
"Yes hun, I'm fine. Just upset you're leaving is all."
You hugged him, "It will be fine dad. Don't worry. If anything happens, I will call you. Okay?"
You got all your boxes into the back of your dad's truck, and started on your way to Death City. While on your trip there, your dad informed you about the two bedroom apartment he had bought for you, and whoever your miester may be.
That's very sweet of him. You thought.
It took an hour to get there. Damn, six already?! You better start getting your stuff from your dad's truck, or you will be here till midnight.
Thirty minutes later, you had your stuff in your apartment, waiting to be unpacked. You set your bed up in the bigger of the two rooms. After you said goodbye to your dad, and listened to a number of sobbing episodes, you finally got to be alone.
Well, you better rest now, before it gets to late. You lay down sand start to dream...

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now