Chapter 15

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*Reader-Chan's P.O.V*

"No, please stay. I don't know if they have picked that creep up yet." Maka protested. I looked at her and smiled some.
"Are you sure? I mean, I have to go get that blood cleaned off my carpet." I said to her. She sighed.
"At least finish your tea." She said in return. I can't say no, because she practically helped save my life.
"Alright, deal." I said. She cheered a little. That's when I heard something hit the floor in the room next to the kitchen. We both looked over to the room.
"I forgot Soul was here..." She said, walking to the room, turning the knob slowly. I stood so I could see as well. When she opened the door, we both saw Soul on the floor.
"Soul, what are you doing?" Maka asked calmly.
"Well... Um... Heh, ya see I was..." He stammered. Maka raised a brow.
"You were eavesdropping, weren't you?" She asked. He nodded slightly.
"MAKA CHOP!" She yelled and hit him over the head with a hard cover book. He fell on the floor again, barely moving.
"Is he alright?!" I asked, trying to get to him but Maka held me back.
"He'll be fine. Just sit and drink your tea." She said, setting a cup on the table. I smiled at her, and walked to the table. Sitting, I took a sip of my tea.
"Mmm, is this black tea?" I asked. Maka nodded.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Black tea is my favorite." I responded. She nodded and drank hers as well. After a few minutes, my tea was gone and I stood. Maka smiled at me.
"I can walk with you, if you want." Maka said. I looked at her and smiled.
"No, it's alright." I responded. She smiled back and waved.
"Bye!" She said. I raised a hand and walked out the door. I started to walk, sticking my hands into my hoodie pockets. I heard a small pompf sound from behind me. I turned and saw Soul standing there. He smiled a toothy grin at me. I slightly smiled back. He walked toward me and glanced at my pocketed hands.

"Are you okay? I heard what happened." He asked in a soft tone. I nodded and he looked me in the eye. I can't stand eye contact, so I looked at the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bruise." I responded, still looking at the ground. he sighed and walked up next to me.

"C'mon. I'm walking you home. You cant refuse either, because I won't leave." He said, sounding determined, yet caring. You smiled and turned back around, continuing with the original task.

"How much did you hear?" I asked, wanting to know if he heard about my incident.

"All of it..." He said shyly. "Sorry." He apologized. I sighed.

"It's alright. Every human is curious."

"But it was rude of me." He responded.

"I don't mind. I knew I was going to have to tell someone sometime." He sighed and looked down. we reached my house after a few minuets. There was a cop car outside my house along with a few police men. I sighed. 'Great... Interogation time.' I thought I saw Stein and some other red haired male there as well. Soul game me a sympathetic look. I nodded him, and repetead this action. He turned and walked away, whilst I walked to my home. Stein looked at me and motioned for me to go to him. I walked over to him and looked between the two.

"Instead of sending you with some random officer, Spirit and I will question you instead." Stein said to me. I sighed and nodded. They started to walk down the street to a different car. Stien drove the three of us to the academy. We made our way to the basement floor, where they entered a room and shut the door after me.

"Have a seat ____." Spirit said, as he sat himself. Sitting across from the two men, I looked at my hands.

"Do you know the man who was found unconscious in your home?" Stein asked as tears stung the rim of my eyes.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now