Chapter 10

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Holy cow!!! 200 Reads?! Thanks so much guys!!! Alright so I got a request to do this chapter in Souls P.O.V. so, here ya go.

*Souls P.O.V.*

Once Maka and I got back to our house, she told me it was my turn to cook.

"Alright," I said, "I hope you enjoy burnt food..."

She looked at me with that 'really?' look, then she went to her room.

"Hey Maka, no reading. Remember the punishment game?" I yelled to her. She walked out of her room, wearing sweats and a hoodie.

"Yeah yeah." She said. I opened the fridge to grab ingredients for... wait I don't even know what to make. I rummaged through cupboards trying to find something. I found some noodles and chicken broth. It was then decided that chicken noodle soup was for food.

Maka turned on the T.V. and ignored me for the time being. While I was cooking, I couldn't get ____ out of my head. When she ran into me earlier, she was so kind. WAIT A MINUTE, I BARELY KNOW HER!!! But she was pretty cute. GODDAMNIT, KNOCK IT OFF SOUL!

Maka must have noticed me freaking out at myself a little, because she turns to me and says, "Soul? Ya all right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about __- er, um, I mean..."

Maka laughed at me and I felt my face heat. I am so embarrassed. "It's alright Soul, your secret safe with me." Maka said with a smile. That was an embarrassing slip of the tongue.

____ is so shy though, I wonder why....

-Le Time Skip to after dinner, brought to you by, Black*Star-

I was washing dishes and when I finished, Maka asked me, "Do you really like her? Like really, really? Or is this just another one of your flings?" I stared at her in shock. I never thought she would ask me something like this...

"No Maka, this isn't just another fling. How could you say something like that!" I somewhat yelled. I turned from her and went to my room. That was rude of her. I understand where she is coming from, but she didn't need to be so rude about it.
I sat and thought for a while. Is this really just another fling? Am I really going to just forget about her after a while? All the thoughts buzzed around my head when I heard some one knocking at my bedroom door.
"What?" I asked coldly.
"Soul? I'm sorry, can I talk to you?" I heard Maka ask from the other side of the door. I got up from my bed, and walked to the door.
I opened it and motioned her inside. She walked in and sat on my bed.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I shouldn't have been so rude about it." She said.

Hey, how's it going? Good? Good! As for me, not so much. WRITERS BLOCK IN T-MINUS 3-2-1!! BRICK WALL!!! Lol but thanks for sticking with me. If you have ANY suggestions/comments/questions let me know!! Until next time guys!

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now