Chapter 6

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"Hmm..." Lord Death said, with slight confusion. "This is quite peculiar... I don't think I have ever came across a weapon whom cannot transform. This is going to be quite a touchy subject." You looked at him, then at your feet.  You felt upset that you couldn't help, but you didn't know how.

"You aren't very talkative, are you?" He asked. You shrugged your shoulders.

"I talk to people I know mostly." You said in a quite, yet kind voice. He started at you for a second, then started pondering what to do with you, until you found your power to transform.

"I know!" He exclaimed, "I will put you into the cresent moon class, until you find your power. This way, Stein can help you find your power, and the class will also help you find out more about your ability. Then, once you have found your ability, I will give you a miester. Until then, you will have to stay in crescent moon. Okay?" He asked

You looked a bit shocked, but then caught up to speed. You nodded in agreement.

"Alright then, until next time ____, see ya!" He said and waved a big hand at you.

"Oh, by the way, my son will show you where your locker is. Have a nice day!" He added. You turned around and headed down the marked hallway, where Kid was waiting for you at the end.

"Come with me ____, I will show you to your locker and class. Are you in crescent moon?" He asked in a somewhat gentle voice. You nodded to him and he started on his way.

You were looking around the schools structure on your way to your locker.

"Beautifully symmetrical, isn't it?" Kid said, sounding infatuated.

'Umm, what? Is he really talking about symmetry? What's his deal? Sound like someone needs a therapist...' you thought to yourself. Fortunately, you reached your locker just then.

"Here we are," he said. "Your locker, is only one corridor away from crescent moon. I will show you there once you place your items." You put your stuff in your locker, and you started with kid to the class room.

You entered the door, and other was a man sitting at the desk with grey hair and a lab coat, that seemed to have what looked to be stitches all over it. He turned to look at you, and you saw that he had green eyes, that hid behind glasses, stitches across his face, and a screw through his head. WAIT ONE GOD DAMN MINUTE!!! A SCREW, THROUGH HIS HEAD?!?!

You ran over to him to observe the screw. He looked at you, you looked back, then asked, "Shouldn't this be scientifically be impossible? Shouldn't you be dead?"

He looked at you in confusion for a moment, then said, "Well, yes it should. But I am a super being. There for, seeing this is inserted, and has not, and will not, be removed, I can live whilst it stays in my head. If it were to be removed, I would die instantly."

"Cool..." You muttered.

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Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now