Chapter 5

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After you got out of the shower, you were going to make breakfast, but once you realized that it would mean that you would have to rummage through more boxes for pans, you decide against it. Plus, there was no food in the house. You sat on the floor and looked around the mostly empty apartment. All that was there was boxes full of your stuff.

You got up and grabbed your backpack, phone, and headphones. You let out a huge, happy sigh. You are on your way to the DWMA!!! That gave you nervous jitters. You didn't even take your time walking to the school. You ran all the way there, even though halfway through you damn near had an asthma attack. By the time you got up the 592 stairs out front, it was only 6:30. This would give you time to meet Lord Death, and find your locker.

You stopped a second to admire the beauty of the DWMA. It was HUGE!!! Once you walked in, it looked even bigger.

"Damn..." You whispered under your breath. Someone tapped you on the shoulder, and you freaked out thinking you were being attacked. That is until you saw their face. It was some kid with black hair with three stripes on one side. He was kinda cute.

"Hello," He said, "You must be ____. Nice to meet you. I am Death the Kid, the son of Lord Death. Please call me Kid." he stuck his hand out. You shook it. He had a firm grip.

"Come. We must report in to Lord Death." He said and started walking away, down a hallway. You walked into a room that seemed to never end.

"Whoa..." You muttered.

"Dad, I'm reporting in with____. She has arrived safely." Kid said. He turned and nodded at you then walked out of the room. Lord Death turned around, and looked at you.

"Hiya!!" He said in a comical voice. He waved a huge hand at you. You did a slight bow.

"So, you must be ____, huh? Nice to meet you." He said. You gave a slight smile.

"Your father already talked to me, he said that you are a weapon. So, can you transform for me?"

You shook your head.

"No? Why not? Do you not know how?"

You nodded.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now