Chapter 9

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"Okay," Kid said, "Maka, Soul, and Black*Star on one team. You, Tsubaki and I on another, okay?" You stood there not responding.

"WHAT?! I never agreed to play!" Maka whined.

"Maka, we need you to play now that ____ is here." Kid said.

"It's really okay, I can just go home so-" you were cut off by Kid.

"Nope. You are new to the school, and so therefore you need to meet other students."

"Othewise you'll end up like Maka over there." Soul said, pointing to Maka. You chuckled a bit. Maka huffed a little then got up. The other three went to one side, your team to the other. The punishments were discussed. If your team lost, nothing in Kids house could be symmetrical for a week. If the other team lost, Maka couldn't read for a week.

Once everyone was ready, Kid and Black*Star did a chest pass and the game began. Tsubaki and yourself ran to the other hoop, Kid passed it to Tsubaki. She sunk the ball.

"Whoo! C'mon guys, you're slacking!" Tsubaki said.

You ran back to your side and the next round started. Black*Star shot and missed. Kid had the ball, and you ran down to the other side waving your arms in the air, indicating that you were open. Kid passed the ball to you, then you were surrounded. You did what first popped into your mind.

'Don't forget to pivot. It can help in a stick situation.' You heard your coach's voice inside your head. you pivoted which caused them to think that you were going one way, and you were able to shoot. You made it.

Everyone was a bit shocked but then play continued. After a few rounds, you were running down court, not watching where you were going, and slammed into someone. You turned to see who it was and to apologize. It was Soul that you ran into. You felt your face heating.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't watch where I was going." You said.

"Hey, don't worry about it." He said

'Great.' You thought, 'He probably thinks I'm a klutz now...'

You continued to play. After a while the game ended. It was a close game, but your team won. Poor Maka... After you said goodbye to everyone, you started on your way home.

"Hi!" you heard from behind you. It was Maka with Soul.

"Oh, hello." You said, and bowed slightly.

"Maka Albarn," She stuck her hand out, and you took it, "This is my partner, Soul." She said. Soul nodded at you.

"I'm (F/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you." You said. You all continued walking.

"So you live down here too?" Maka asked.

"Yes, just a little further up is my house." You said.

"Cool, we're kinda like neighbors." She said.

You nodded, "Yea, kinda. Well, this is my stop. See you tomorrow?"

"Yea." Maka said.

When you got in the house, you smiled rather largely. Today was a good day. You made yourself something small for dinner, the sat down on your bed and filled out that application that you picked up for the bakery. After that you studied for that test in two days.


Hey! Alright, first things first, Thanks for reading!! 100 some reads is awesome!!! keep reading guys! and now, I have a question for you. Should i go into Maka P.O.V.? Soul P.O.V.? Or keep in tin your P.O.V.? Comment! thanks again!! bye now.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now