Chapter 14

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She ran over to you, checking for injuries.
"I'm okay. I think." You murmured. You were looking at your arm, in complete confusion.
"Maka? Did you see what I did?" You said, looking up at her. She looked at you with soft eyes.
"Yes, I did. But it's okay." She said, smiling kindly.
"I... I don't know what I did... I raised my hand to push him away, and my arm was a blade." You said, somewhat dazed. She stood and held a hand out to you. Taking it, She pulled you up.
"Come to my house. I will call the police to come pick this guy up, then we can talk." She said, pulling you into a hug. Hugging her back you nodded.
"Okay..." You mumbled. Grabbing your phone, you walked off with Maka. While you were walking, she called the police and told them your address, so they could pick him up. You looked down, and replayed the events in your head. 'How did he find me?' You thought. 'He shouldn't know my location. I moved from there a week later. Then, I came here.' You saw a hand in.front of your face.
"Hey ____, you in there?" Maka asked with a chuckle.
"Hmm? Yeah, sorry. Just thinking." She smiled at you. She opened the door and held it for you, as you walked in.
"Go ahead and sit. I'll make us some tea." She said, motioning to the table. Taking a seat, you looked around.
"Nice place you got here." You said, looking at the beige yellow walls.
"Thanks. Soul bought the place and I furnished it." She said, looking at the couch. You smiled at her, and she smiled back. She sighed a little.
"So, who was that guy anyway?" She asked.

*Souls P.O.V.* (because yes.)

I heard a somewhat familiar voice and Maka. I peeked out my bedroom door to see who was here. It was ____. I could see she had violet wrists. Closing my door before they could see me, I pressed my ear to the door.
"So, who was that guy anyway?" I heard Maka ask. 'Guy? What guy?' I asked myself. Leaning against my door, I listened closely.
"Well, his name is Travis. He is my ex-best friends ex-boyfriend. A little complicated, but if you think about it, it makes sense." She paused. "Anyway, about three years back, I lived in a small town surrounded by forest." She stopped.
"You don't have to tell me." Maka said kindly.
"No no. Now that I've started, I can't stop." ____ said, and she continued.
"The last day of school, my friends wanted to have a party at one of their cabins on the outskirts of town. I was all in and up for it. The party was fun, until someone brought a keg, and some heroine." She paused. I heard Maka gasp a bit.
"Everyone was downing the beer and shooting the heroine but me. People were trying to pressure me into it. I walked out, and started on my way home. I was supposed to be staying at my best friends house, but that wasn't happening. I was pushing my way through the woods, when I heard a familiar, drunken voice." She began to tear up. I could hear it in her voice. She continued.
"He called my name, and I began to run. While I was running, I tripped over some tree roots and fell. He caught up to me and I reached for my knife, be he managed to swipe it during the party. He forced me against a tree, and fucked up my back. He pinned my hands above my head and broke both my wrists. That was the night he raped me." She said, sniffling.
"Sorry for the sob story. I should be going." She said.
"No, please stay. I don't know if they picked that creep up yet." Maka protested.

Whoo hoo! Back stories are always fun! Alright, thanks for the comments guys. I don't know why, but I can't respond to comments. So a big thank you to all my readers. Especially the ones who comment and vote! I love you all! Until the next chapter.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now