Chapter 8

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The next day, seeing how you knew where your locker was, and where your class was, you could get around the school without an escort. Thankfully. You went through your morning routine, ate some cereal, grabbed your things, then left for the school. When you got there, you put your things away, and headed for class. Everyone you passed in the hall smiled at you, or said hi.

You accidentally shoulder-checked some kid with blue hair.

"Hey, watch it would ya?" He said.

You bowed slightly and said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit yo-"

He cut you off by saying, "Hey, aren't you the new girl in the class?" You nodded.

"In case you don't already know," he said, "I'm the famous BLACK*STAR!!!" He laughed. The he walked away.

'Rude' you thought. You continued walking to class. Most the students had already taken their seats. You were scanning the room when you noticed a kid with white hair, in about the middle of the class room. He was talking to a blond girl. Dang, he was cute...

You walked up to your seat, and found yourself sitting right behind the white haired kid.

You overheard their conversation.

"Maka, I told you, Stein already knew why we were gone yesterday. We won't get in trouble." Said the kid in a deep voice.

"Yea I know but, I still feel like I did something wrong Soul..." said the blond girl. It was then that you noticed, she had pigtails.

Conversation ceased, when Stein walked into the center of the room.

"Now that we are all here," he looked at the two in front of me, "I can now formally introduce our new student. Come down here won't you?" He said. You felt your face flush as you got up from your seat. You walked down to meet Stein.  You faced the front of the class.

"This is ____, she is new here so please be kind." He said. You bowed formally. He sent you back to your seat and wrote 'soul resonance' on the board. You weren't paying attention. You were too busy fantasizing about the kid, you were guessing his name is Soul because he has it plastered on his headband, and that's what the blond girl called him.

Once you came back to reality, class was damn near over. You looked across the desk at Kids notes, which were symmetrical. Why? Whatever, notes are notes. You copied them down, so you had studying material for the test. The bell rang, which ment it was time for lunch. You decided to go home for lunch.

*a few hours later*

You were on your way home, when you passed the bakery, which had a 'help wanted' sign hanging in the window. You walked in and asked for an application. They gave you one, and you put it in your backpack. You were walking, when you saw Soul walking into the basketball court. You walked over to the court and peeked around the corner.

That black*star kid was there along with, Kid, a tall, busty girl with black hair, Soul, and the blond pigtail girl, who was just reading on the bench.

You were about to turn and walk away but Kid shouted, "____? Is that you over there?" You stopped dead in your tracks. You turned around and nodded.

"Come play punishment basketball with us." He said.

" I would, but I really need to get home so I can study." You said softly.

"Nope." He says, and walks over to you. He grabbed your forearm and pulled you into the court. 'Shit' you thought, 'I'm stuck in a game of basketball, with my crush?!'

"Alright, who's team do you want to be on?" Kid asked.

You shrugged.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now