Chapter 12

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When you got to the death room, Lord Death was talking to Maka in the mirror.
"Thank you, for reporting in Maka." Lord Death said.
"No problem sir."
"Let me know if anything else happens."
"Yes sir." Maka said and faded away.
Lord Death turned around to see you, and motioned for you to come up onto the platform. You walked up there.
"Thank you for coming ____. I know its only your second day, but I wanted to talk to you about transforming."
You nodded.
"Have you tried at all?"
You shook your head.
"Well, I've set up some after school lessons with Prof. Stein. Will you attened them?"
You thought for a moment, then nodded.
"Great!" He clapped his hands together. "Your first lesson is today."
'Today? But I have stuff to do.' You thought.
"Each lesson will only be half an hour. So you don't have to worry about losing to much time." He said, putting your nerves at ease.
"Thank you." You said, bowing a little.
"Yup. Bye now." He said waving a big hand at you. You left the death room, and headed back to class. When you had arrived, Stein was already half way through the lesson. You walked up to your seat and decide to catch the rest of the notes.
*After class*
Once the bell had rang, you gathered your things and waited for everyone to leave. You walked down to greet Stein.
"Are we going to do these extra lessons here?" You asked softly. He nodded.
"Yes I plan on doing them in the class room until you can form. Then we will move outdoors." He responded. You walked to the first row and sat. 'This is gonna be awkward...' You thought. He picked papers up off his desk and slid them into a drawer.
"I would like to start by teaching you about the ability itself. Being a weapon is a lot different than being a meister." He started. You pulled your notebook back out to take notes.
"You won't need that. This is the basic stuff. Even if you forget it, it won't make much difference." He said looking at your notebook. You looked up somewhat confused, but closed your notebook and put it away.
"Its good to know for beginners, but once you can form, it won't mean anything." He explained. You nodded and he proceeded with the lesson. He was talking about the ability and how it works. Soon enough the lesson was over. You grabbed your things and put them in your bag.
On your way home, you dropped by the bakery and dropped off the application you had picked up the day before.
"Can you come in for an interview?" The manager asked. You nodded.
"Great! What time works?"
"Umm, about four thirty. Is that alright?" You responded. The manager nodded.
"Yeah, that's perfect. See you then!" He said. Grabbing a muffin before you left, you heard some of the employees telling the manager to hire you. You smiled to yourself.
Walking home, you were thinking about why the group wasn't there today.
'Where could they have gone?' You wondered. Reaching your home, you opened the door and walked into the rather bare house and sighed. You looked around.
"I really need furniture." You laughed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, which made you jump a little. You walked down to answer it.
"Hello?" You called out while opening it.

Hai. Now, I know I said I was going to update more often, but I have been so busy, not to mention writers block. I couldn't think of anything to write for the life of me. But I hope to post two more chapters today so I can make up for lost time. Please keep the comments and votes flowing. I really like reading your comments. Thanks a lot guys. Til the next chapter!
P.S. What should the reader be weapon wise? I don't know. So leave me a comment saying what you think!

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now