Chapter 21

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Black*Star. Yup, it was definitely him. I stood from my table and marched over to the door, still wearing my bunny pajamas. I opened the door to see the albino and his obnoxious best friend.

"Black*Star! I said be quiet!" Soul said, facepalming.

"What? I only asked a question." He said with a shrug. He waved at me and smiled largely. "Hi (y/n)!"

I was more than a little frustrated that he felt such an urge to be loud. My face flushed with frustration. I glared angrily at Black*Star, and his smile dropped. He talked to Soul without looking at him.

"Soul, why does she look like she is gonna kill me?" He asked him. He was still looking at me. His hand fell to his side and I stepped onto the front concrete pad of the house/ apartment thing. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and my eyebrow twitched. 

"Black*Star. Soul. What are you doing at my house?" I asked, still pinching my nose.

"WELL." Black*Star started. Soul was flailing his arms, his face looking flush. "Soul was guiding me here cause 'this is his crushes hou-'" Soul slapped his hand over Black*Stars mouth, cutting him off. 

"What?" I said, playing dumb. I am more than sure I know what Black*Star was going to say next. Soul was chuckling nervously.

"Black*Star doesn't know what he's talking about. He hit his head earlier, and he is a little disoriented." Soul said, his hand still over Black*Stars mouth. Black*Star pulled out of his grip.

"No I didn't Soul." He said, confused. 

"He blacked out, so he doesn't remember it." Soul stated. Black*Star stood, confused.

"Uh-huh." I said, nodding slightly. "Shouldn't you bring him in then? To see if he has a concussion?" 

"Uh...." Soul trailed off. "No, no, he'll be fine." He said, and smiled inhumanly large. I stood and nodded, knowing exactly whats going on.

"Well, is there any particular reason you're yelling outside my house and disturbing the peace?" I asked.

"Nope!" Black*star said, a little too cheerily. I sighed and walked back inside, closing the door on them. I stopped and listened to them for a little while.

"God damn it Black*Star! That was too close." Soul said.

"What?! I was only telling her the truth!" Black*Star argued.

As they continued to argue, I walked up the stairs to my cozy little apartment. I heard their words fade away quickly and there soon was silence.  Looking out the window, the sun was high in the sky, the birds were chriping, a quiet, cool breeze in the air. It was the perfect day to do a lesson with Professer Stein.

I walked to my bedroom, changed clothes quickly, grabbed my personal items, and left the house. Even though it was sunday, I was still gonna check at the school to see if I could catch him there.

I had made it to the front steps of the building and started on my way up. This school is just absolutely gorgeous. The intricate design of the face of the school always amazed me every time I looked at it. Even though it's simplistic, there's still something about it.

As I enetered the front doors, I turned down the hallway that held my classroom. I heard faint voices down the corridor, and slowed my pace. It was Maka and another voice that I dont recognize. I got just within earshot, and stood still.

"...ase Maka. Just give me a second chance."

"No Hiro! You ruined the first chance I gave you."

"But babe, you don't even know the full sto-"

"Don't you dare call me 'babe' with that filthy mouth of yours ever again. You hurt me Hiro. You hurt me in a way so inconceivable that it makes me question your humanity. I don't ever want to see you ever again Hiro."

Wow... I guess time really does fly. Well, I actually just recently graduated high school. No, that does not mean i will stop writing. Actually, I should have more time to write now. But we all know how far i get every time I say that. But dont worry, I've got at least one more chapter going up today. So stay tuned .


Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now