Chapter 16

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Fifty million questions and one food break later, I could finally leave. Stein offered to drive me home, but I refused and decided to walk. Making my way out of the bulding, I looked at my wrists. They were purple and black. While I was lost in thought, my phone went off. I squeaked a little at the sudden noise, but pulled out my phone. It was a text from my brother.

'Hey sis, how ya liking the DWMA?' I smiled down at my phone.

'It's alright. Still don't know what I am yet.' I responded

'Really? Well, it took me some time too. You should get used to it soon though!'

'Thanks. Hey Randy? Can I tell you something?'

'Sure sis. What's up? Who do I have to pile drive?' I chuckled at his response.

The only person who knew about the whole Travis thing was him. I trusted him more than my own instincts. If that doesn't say anything.

'I had another run in with Travis. It was taken care of, but I'm still kinda scared.'

I got no response after that. With a sigh, I continued walking. I kicked a pebble along with me. I looked up and noticed how dark it was getting. I turned off, onto my street. I unlocked my apartment door and strode in.

I walked up the stairs and looked at the carpet. His red blood, now slightly discolored, and embedded into the carpet. With a disgruntled sigh, I went and made a concoction of water and soap. Getting down on my hands and knees, I used an old, ratty T-shirt as a rag and started to dab it up.

About thirty minutes later, I was fininshed. With that spot. I moved over to where his body was laying. There was quite a bit there. I let out a small low growl and started to work on it. An hour later, it was done.

Of course the spots were still stained, but that would have to wait. Glancing at the clock, it was already ten thirty. I was EXHAUSTED. Getting off my knees, I went and changed into my favorite PJ's.

After getting my top on, I grabbed a manga book and flopped on my bed. Getting all cozy, I started to read. I was reading (insert title here.), and was getting super into it. What felt like minutes was actually hours.

I heard a loud knock at my door and I jumped. I looked at my phone for the time. Three in the morning?! Good thing I don't have school today. Who would be at the door at three in the morning? I heard them pound again and I sighed.

"I'm coming!" I shouted. Making my way to the door, I opened it just slightly to see who it was. That was when they pushed the door open and wrapped their arms around me.

"Where is he? Where is he, ____?" They asked. I recognized the voice instantly.

"Don't worry Randy. They took him into custody." I said, pushing my way out of his deathly grip.

He released me and pulled his hood down. The face I grew up with hasn't changed. His bright blue eyes, now had a worried look. His blond hair short and messy. He has always been tall and thin.

"Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you?" He asked, looking me over for injuries.

"No, but shut the door! It's cold in here!" I said, pointing slightly.

"Oh. Right." He chuckled, closing the door.

I started up the flight of stairs into the warm part of the house, my brother in tow. He looked around your apartment, not making any smart comments.

I went back into my bedroom and placed my book away. He followed me in and sat on my bed. He spotted my purple wrists and grabbed my fore arm, pulling me over.

"He didn't hurt you, huh?" He asked, kinda frustrated.

Yo guys. Well, sorry for not having this part up earlier. I've just been busy this summer. School starts on the ninth of September and Author-Chan is going to tenth grade! Thanks for all the love and support! Keep the votes, reads, and comments flowing!


Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now