Chapter 11

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Alright! I'm back in the groove of things, and so I will be updating more frequently! YAY! Alright, thanks for stickin around!!

*Soul P.O.V*

I looked at Maka, a little upset. She was looking at the floor.

She looked up and said, "Will you forgive me? Please?"

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. She was looking at me with a pleading look in her eye. I could tell she was trying to apologize sincerely, but I decide I was gonna toy with her for a while.

"Apology NOT accepted." "I said to her, and tried to make it sound like I was still angry, but she wasn't falling for it.

"C'mon now Soul, quit screwing around! I'm trying to apologize sincerely, and in a timely fashion. We have to sleep, because we have another mission early tomorrow morning! Now, please accept my apology?" She said a little flustered. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Apology accepted. Now, get outta my room." I said all cool like. She looked at me and chuckled. She punched me in the arm slight lying, then went to her room. I closed my door and to lie (lay?) down in my bed. I started to think about ____, and I fell asleep.
*Next Morning*
I heard a loud crash in the kitchen. It sounded like someone threw a glass at the back of a pot. I ran out to see what happened. I saw Maka on one side of the kitchen, with her head in her hands, and a broken mug and a pot on the floor on the other side. I walked over to Maka and asked her what was wrong, but she wouldn't look at me.
She whispered, what sounded like an 'I'm sorry' which was barley audible, then ran to her room and slammed the door. I'm not sure what that was about, and I don't think I want to. I started to pick up the pieces of the mug and I threw them away.
Maka had started to make breakfast. It was still on the stove. It looked like pancakes and bacon. After I got the mug cleaned up, I continued cooking for Maka. Damn, she must really be pissed. She normally yells at me for breaking stuff. After I finished making breakfast, I put it on the table and called for Maka to come eat. She came out dressed for the day, but still super upset. I tried asking her what was wrong again, but she only shook her head. We sat down and ate, then we were off to our mission. This time, we were going to handle a few kishin on a small island just off the coast. This will be fun. With a grumpy Maka and three or four kishin, I don't know how this will end....
*Normal P.O.V.*
You were already out the door and it was only 6:30 or normally only takes you 10 minutes to get to the DWMA, because of how close you live. You were studying for your test and fell asleep while doing so. That's normally why you don't study. You can barley stay awake while doing so. 'I really hope I pass this test today...' you thought to yourself. You were sitting in your seat, and class started shortly after. You noticed that Kid, the two Almost-Matching girls, Maka, and Soul were gone. You couldn't help but wonder where they were. After the test was given, and every one had finished, the new lesson started. That was also when you were called to the death room.
'I hope I'm not in trouble. I haven't done anything wrong. Yet...' You thought.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now