Chapter 18

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Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to update another chapter last night. So, here it is today! Sorry for the delay.

His smile faded and he had a startled look in his eye. He must have thought that I dove head first into the madness. The look on his face was absolutely priceless. I laughed and shook my head. He let out the breath he didnt know he was holding in.

I pushed past him and went back to my room. Locking the door behind me, I threw on some sweats and a hoodie. Exiting my room, I decided to make brunch for every one. French toast with a side of eggs and sausage! Yum...
When I started on the toast, I was interrupted by Soul critiqueing my house.

"You have no furniture. Or a t.v." He said, looking around the bare home.

I gripped the whisk tighter. "Well, I have no money to buy said things." I said through my teeth.

He replied with a simple 'oh.' And went back to talk with Randy. I tuned out and continued to cook. Putting one of the pieces in the pan, I smiled when I heard the satisfying sizzle.

After a while, I moved onto the eggs. I happily started to sway to the music that I was mentally playing and singing quietly.

"I'm in the business of misery, lets take it from the top.
She got a body like an hour glass, its ticking like a clock..." I sang, then began to hum.

"Misery business?" Soul questioned.

I stopped and looked at him, nodding a little. "Yeah, you like Paramore?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I like them."

I smiled and continued to cook.

Soon after, it was finished. I dished out some plates and handed them off. I then leaned against the counter and ate mine. After everyone finished, I didn't bother with the dishes.

"Does Maka know you're here?" I asked, grabbing a soft drink.

He shook his head. "No, she thinks I'm with Black*Star."

"So you lied?"

"No. I was with Black*Star eariler."

"Oh, I see." I said sitting on the floor in the living room.

The guys joined me and we sat in a circle. The two started to converse, then soon began to argue. I only sat and watched, holding in my laughter. They were bickering about how to activate certain cheats on GTA San Andres. Glancing at the time, it was almost three thirty.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, scrambling to get up.

"What?!" They asked in unison.

"I gotta get ready for my interview!" I yelled, running into my room.

I grabbed some dress clothes and ran to the shower. Taking a quick one, I changed. I was wearing dress pants with a collared white shirt, and a black tank top underneath. I put on my converse, did my makeup so I looked nice, and put my hair up into a messy bun. A few stray strands of hair framed my face.

I stepped out and asked them how I looked. Randy have me a thumbs up and Soul nodded. I looked at the time again and it was four. I had thirty minutes.

"Alright. I'm gonna go so I get there early. Take care, don't burn my house down, sell my stuff, or snoop in my room. I'll have my phone, so if you need me blah blah blah." I lectures, making hand gestures.

They nodded and yelled at me to leave. Exiting the house, is stuffed my phone into my back pocket and started toward the bakery. When I arrived, I was ten minutes early. The manager decided to start the interview early.

*Soul P.O.V.*

When ____ came out of the bathroom, I was having a hard time keeping myself together. She looked attractive, classy, you name it. After she left, I rubbed my face.

"You dig my sister, don't you?" I heard Randy ask.

"W-what?" Was the only thing I could say.

He laughed and shook his head. "Ask her out, man. The worst that can happen is she says no."

I looked at him with a bewildered look.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now