Chapter 13

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"Hello?" You called out while opening the door.
"Hi ____." You heard an all too familiar voice say. You looked at the person in the doorway, as they pushed their way in. It was Travis. Ya know, that guy that you had a nightmare about? The guy who raped you? Yeah. Him. You were staggering backward.
"W-what are you doing here..?" You fell onto your backside.
"C'mon, you know why I'm here." He said, stumbling toward you. You ran to your room, and almost closed the door, but he pushed in.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" You shouted. He came close and sighed. You could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"I can never leave you alone babe. I love you with all my heart..." he mocked, putting his hands in a heart shape. You ran past him, into the living room, but he tripped you. He got on his hands and knees, abd was crawling toward you.
"C'mon babe don't be this way." He said, slurring his words a bit.
"I'm not your babe!" You yelled. He lunged at you, and pinned you to the floor.
"Get off me!" You shouted.
"Come on now, use your indoor voice. We don't want the neighbors to hear." He said in your ear, lifting a hand and putting it to his lips. Using the hand he let go, you managed to get a punch square to his jaw, knocking him off you. He groaned in pain for a moment.
"You bitch! I was only ever nice to you! And this is how you treat me?" He yelled.
"You were never nice to me!" You retorted. He growled and slapped you. You put a hand to your face. Now he did it. You have grown stronger over those three years. You were gonna fuck. Him. Up.
He ran at you and you ducked, when he had reached you, you sprung up and headbutted his jaw. That action caused him to bite his tongue. He was now bleeding from the mouth. Spitting it on the clean, white carpet made you even more pissed.
"Now your asking for it..." He said, blood dripping from his mouth.
"No, you are." You said, cracking your knuckles.
"Ooh, I'm so scared." He mocked. Moving quickly, you punched him in the stomach. He tried to grab you, but you ducked out of the way. You swept him off his feet with a swift leg movement. You were running to the kitchen to grab something sharp, but he grabbed your leg and made you fall. He climbed atop you, and held your shoulders.
"You little bitch! Your mine now!" He laughed. You squeezed your eyes shut and raised a hand, and cut him. He screamed in agony. Opening your eyes, you looked at your arm. It had turned into a golden blade. Just as soon as you saw it, it vanished and your hand was back. Maka, who had been standing by the kitchen, witnessed this. She pushed him away from you and kicked him in the head, knocking him out. She rushed over to you.
"Oh my god! ____, are you okay?!" She asked, checking for injuries.

Wow... A lot happened this chapter. Am I moving to fast? To slow? Make sure you leave me comments. It helps a lot. Thanks guys! Until next chapter.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now