Chapter 19

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Okay. For starters, I'm thinking about ending this book in the sixties? (Chapter wise.) Secondly, I would like to apologize for not updating for months. Thirdly, I got my hair dyed! I'm so happy with it. Alright, I'll shut up and write!

*Time skip to after the interview.* *Reader P.O.V.*

He asked me basic questions and some other things. Like, how I work with people and such. I was nervously fidigeting waiting for him to decied whether or not to hire me. When some of the employees walked by, they casually whisperd to him and told him to hire me.

After about five minutes, he cleared his throat and nodded. My eyes lit up and I tilted my head a little. He smiled and stuck out a hand.

"(Y/N) (L/N). You have the job." He said as I grabbed his hand and shook it. "Your first day is Monday and you will work the week. Friday through Sunday, you will be off. Your hours are four to nine."

I lit up and squeaked happily. "Thank you so much sir! You will not be disappointed!"

He laughed a little as I dashed out of the little building. Reaching the outdoors, I threw my hands in the air with a loud, 'Yes!' Then did a little victory dance. I began to walk home.

It was Saturday, so had had another day off. Reaching my home, I threw the door open. I waltzed in and kicked the door closed. I walked up the stairs and looked at my brother, who was sitting on the floor on his phone. He looked up and cocked an eyebrow at me.

With a wide smile, I said, "I got the job!"

He smiled up at me and stood. "Awesome! We have to celebrate!"

I laughed and nodded. He pulled me into a hug and lifted me off the ground. I giggled and he put me down.

"Soul go home?" I asked, walking to my fridge.

He nodded. "Yeah. He went home shortly after I told him to ask you- I mean after Maka called him." He tried to cover.

He is such a bad liar, but I went with it. I was to happy to force anything out of him right now. I smiled and grabbed the milk out. Pouring myself a glass, Randy asked about my work schedule.

"I work Monday through Thursday. Friday through Sunday I have off. My hours are four to nine." I said, closing the milk and sticking it back in the fridge.

"Cool, cool. That's not bad for a first job, huh?"

"No, not at all. The only real con of this, is that I'm probably going to be getting minimum wage." I said, taking a drink.

I noticed the dishes from this morning were gone. I looked from the sink to Randy. He was too busy looking at his phone to even notice me looking at him. I rolled my eyes and quickly downed the rest of my drink. I set my cup in the sink and sat next to him. I looked over his shoulder and watched him play angry birds. He had an addiction to that game like no tomorrow.

"Is that all you ever do?" I asked with a chuckle.

He stuck his tongue out in sheer concentraton. It was his last  bird. He had to make this shot count. He fired and.......

He missed. He jumped to his feet. "THOSE GOD DAMN PIGS! I WAS SO GONNA WIN THAT!"

I couldn't help but laugh. He turned to me with an angry look.

"Shut the hell up!" He said, laughing.

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now