Chapter 7

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"May I...?" You asked
He nodded. You touched it, and got your fill. Death the Kid was standing in the door way looking dumbfounded.
"She didn't talk the whole way here, and yet, when she meets you and your screw, she is absolutely fascinated! What the hell?!" He says sounding slightly infuriated.
You look at him and smile.
"So I take it, your the new student ____?" The grey haired man asked. You nodded.
"Nice to meet you, I'm professor Stein. Here, I will grab your supplies." He says kindly. You look around the room awkwardly. Kid went and took his seat. Stein handed you your supplies, and told you to sit next to Kid. You walked up to your seat, that's when two girls walked in wearing the same outfit. One had long brunette hair, the other short blond hair. Both had blue eyes, only the one with longer hair were dark than the blond.
"Hi Kid!~" said the blond, very bubbly like.
"Hello patty. Hello Liz." Kid said.
"Hey Kid." Said the brunette
You were rather confused on what was happening, but forgot when you noticed that everyone else in the class had arrived. You noticed that the two seats in front of you were empty. Class started and Stein was talking about soul resonance between a meister and their weapon.
*after school*
You were walking home. You weren't in a rush to unpack all those boxes. In fact, you didn't even want to deal with boxes right now. But, you knew you had to.
Once you got home, you threw your bag onto your bed, and started to unpack. First was your room. That took you an hour to decorate it the way you wanted. Next was the kitchen. Only half an hour to find a place for all the pans. Next, the living room. All you had was your Wii, ps3, and tv stand. No couch, no tv... Yup, you will have to do some shopping. After you got the house unpacked, it was almost 8:00. You decided that some late night grocery shopping would ease your nerves. NOT! but you do need food in the house. You grabbed your wallet, and headed out for the nearest store with food. You bought milk, cereal, ramen, eggs, juice, hamburger, hamburger helper, and ice cream. Very limited food, because you have limited money.
'That's another thing' you thought, 'I have to get a job still.' You walked to the check out, and the cashier rung your stuff up.
Just before you were going to get the money out, the cashier says, "Awe man, I lost my digets, so can I get yours?" You slammed the money on the counter, reached over and grabbed his coller.
"Don't fuck with me." You growled. He threw his hands up, surrendering. You grabbed your groceries, and walked out. Once you got home, you put the groceries away. 'Damn, it's been an extremely long day.' You thought. 'I think it's time for bed.'

Let's Play With Death (Soul Evans x Reader) ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now