Left In A Cave

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Female Narrator: Legends. Stories scattered through time. Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily, that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past.

The scene cuts to a mother and her little boy running into a forest. The night howls and pours rain while something is chasing after them.

Female Narrator: Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful. But he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness, creatures of destruction.

The scene shows the mother and her child getting chased after by more as the creatures join the pact. The mother looks back as they continue on, fear being sown into her eyes.

What she sees:

What she sees:

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Fig. 1

Female Narrator: The creatures of Grimm set their sights on man and all of his creations. These forces clashed and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence to the void.

The mother falls down into a puddle. The boy hurries to his mother and shakes her, urging her to get up. The creatures get closer.

Female Narrator: However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds.

The creatures pounced only to be blinded by a light that engulfed them, destroying half of their pack. The mother is now on her feet, holding a fist size crystal in her hand. It gleamed a dark tint of red thanks to the offering of the hazy moonlight.

Female Narrator: This power was appropriately named, "Dust." Nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness and in the shadow's absence, came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life.

She threw the crystal down with force at the creatures and they went up in flames.

Mother[Exhausted]: Come on Y/N, we need to hurry! We just need to go a little longer!

The rain picks up and the remaining light dims even more. As Y/N turns around to start running again, he hears a chilling shriek.

Female Narrator: But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die.

The monster that let that out ran towards Y/N as his mother screamed.

Y/N's Mother[Terrified]: Run Y/N!!! RUN!!!

The creature lifts its sickle-like arm and swings down. Y/N is too overwhelmed and scared to move.

Female Narrator: And when they are gone......darkness will return.

The creature does a downward slash, but the mother takes it to the back.


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