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Y/N made his way to Ozpin's office, unnoticed as students were in their classes. On the elevator, he waited while listening to the elevator tuns that were playing.

Alby: *appears* You certainly have have new music in this era don't you.

Y/N: Didn't my parent let you listen to this?

Alby: No...I'm more classical, but I could get used to this.

Y/N: *chuckles* Hearing that from a kid is funny.

Alby: *pouts* Rude. Hmph!

Y/N: *puts hands together* I'm sorry Alby.

Alby: *looks at him with one eye* You can apologize with the sweets you promised me.

Y/N: I'll make you twelve batches of fourteen cookies.

Alby: *eyes sparkle* You are forgiven!

The elevator stops and Alby disappears. Y/N walks to the door that is Ozpin's office and knocks.

Ozpin: Come in.

Y/N opens the door, surprising Ozpin and Goodwitch.

Goodwitch [disbelief]: How? You should be resting!

Y/N: *smiles* As you can see, I'm already better in two days.

Ozpin: *smirks* I see. Well Mr. L/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?

Y/N: I came to ask for a reward.

Ozpin: *lifts eyebrow* Reward?

Y/N: For slaying the Dullahan.

Goodwitch [irritated]:You weren't expelled, isn't that a reward.

Y/N: For a normal student or team, yes, but didn't Ozpin say I would receive greater rewards if I became a one-man team?

Goodwitch is stunned while Ozpin smiles.

Ozpin: Then what would you want? If it's in my power, I will get it.

Y/N: *smiles* It's simple. I want-

Few Minutes Later

Ozpin: *smiles* That could be arranged.

Goodwitch: You can't be serious sir!

Y/N: Then how about a bet? *both look at him* If I win, my request is fulfilled. If I lose, I will do any one thing you ask. You set the rules.

Ozpin: *smiles* You get the rest of your 'resting period,' that's two days, to train and whatnot. Afterwards, you will take the finals in each class. Your last class, fighting, will be ----------------. That sound good?

Goodwitch: Wait I didn't- *sees Ozpin's look* -I...I understand.

Ozpin: *looks at Y/N* So...your answer.

Y/N: *gets toothy grin* You're on.

Y/N leaves and starts to head back to his room in the medical bay. Alby appears once he enters.

Alby: Weird request and pretty selfless of you.

Y/N: It benefits all parties, including myself.

Alby: *shrugs* By the way, does every room have a kitchen.

Y/N: Meh, it's just convenient. Now *rolls up sleeves* how about I get started on those cookies?

Alby: *eyes shine, drool comes from mouth, and becomes excited* YES!

Two Hours Later

With cookies baked, Y/N asked for some books from the library to the nurse, who happily obliged. Alby would help cover advance history if Y/N struggled to understand, all while snacking on cookies.

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