Proof of Belonging

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Ozpin looks at Y/N and smiles.

Ozpin: So what will it be, Mr. L/N? Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3?

Y/N looks to Ruby and Weiss and smiles.

Y/N: I know my answer.

Ozpin: Excellent, so?

Y/N: My choice is...

There was this little tension in the air while everyone waited for his response.

Y/N:...Option 3.

Ozpin looked amused while some were confused. Weiss was in shock and Ruby was disappointed.

Ozpin: Interesting, can I ask why?

Y/N: Well you said if I go at it alone, I could get better rewards. It's kind of what my father said before, "Nothing risked, nothing gained." and another one my mother said, "High risk equals high reward."

Ozpin: *chuckles* That is a very interesting mindset your parents have. May I ask where they are?

This made Ruby and Weiss fidget with nervousness while Y/N looked down. The entire room was silent for a few minutes to the point of uncomfortably.

Ruby: Ummm sir? *he looks at her* I don't think it's a good idea to ask that certain ques-

Y/N: Dead. 

Everyone looks at him and he looks up.

Y/N: They're both dead. My mother died ten years ago while my father died sometime around fourteen years ago.

Ozpin: May I ask where did they pass?

Y/N: *eyes twitching* From what mother said, he died protecting us when we fled from bandits at our village. My mother died in the forest I've been in for the last ten years.

Everyone looked at him in disbelief but two: Weiss and Ruby.

Y/N: *shakes head* Anyways, I choose Option 3 for the potential rewards but I also want to ask for a favor.

Ozpin: What is it?

Y/N: Can I have a room that is near Ruby's?

Ozpin: *chuckles* Yes, that's the least we can do for you. I'll make sure to put your dorm right next to team RWBY's. In fact, why don't team RWBY and team JNPR show you around and then help you settle in.

Y/N: *slight smile* That would be wonderful, thank you.

Ozpin nods and both teams, with Y/N, turn to leave but-

Ozpin: Wait, one more thing Mr. L/N. *Y/N turns around* May I ask what the name of your village was?

Y/N: It's no problem. *closes eyes* Hmmm. *opens them* It was Hitoni-Meio Village sir.

He noticed Ozpin's eyes widen.

Y/N: Something the matter sir?

Ozpin looks at Y/N, changing his expression to a smile.

Ozpin: No there isn't Mr. L/N. You better hurry off now. This school is big. Oh and welcome to Beacon.

Y/N: He's hiding something. He knows something but isn't telling me. Looks like I'll need to question him later.

Y/N: *smiles* Thank you sir.

Y/N leaves with everyone in the elevator. Before the doors close, he can see Ozpin with a grim look.

Y/N: Yup something is definitely wrong.

Ozpin's POV

As I see them leaving, I drop the facade of the fake smile.

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