Last Mission // Short Extra: Sleepover

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Ruby's POV

Right now, Team JNPR and my team are surrounded by death stalkers, ursai, goblins, nevermores, and boarbatusks...hundreds of them.

Yang: *slams gauntlets into an ursa* Do any of you know where the hell Y/N is!

Me: *runs fast, slicing goblins' heads off from behind* I have no clue. He said he would be here after taking care of a problem.

Jaune: *ducks and dodges, slicing off the tail of a death stalker* How is This NOT A PROBLEM!!!

Pyrrha tackles Jaune to the ground and a nevermore misses them by a hair.

Pyrrha: You need to focus more Jaune.

Jaune: Right...right. Nora! Take care of the goblins with your grenades. *she nods and starts to blast them away, allowing me some breathing room* Good. Ren! Try to get behind a few of those ursai and slice the back parts of their necks, that should be enough to kill them.

Ren: On it! *zooms off*

Jaune: Pyrrha, you think you can help Weiss in keeping those nevermores off us?

Pyrrha transforms her spear into a rifle.

Pyrrha: I can.

Jaune: Good, I'll start helping Yang and the other close fighters with my shield. That okay with you Ruby?!

Me: Yeah! Sounds Good! Weiss, like Jaune said, help Pyrrha keep the nevermores off us.

Weiss: On it!

Me: Yang! Team up with Jaune! He will help you defend your weaker areas with his shield!

Yang: I needed a meat shield anyways.

Jaune: Hey!

Yang: What?! *punches another Grimm* I'm just joking!

Me: Blake, help Ren with disruption by attacking from behind. Remember to aim for the boarbabusks' bellies. *she nods and uses her semblance to get behind some of the Grimm.

I ready Crescent Rose into its sniper rifle form and start to fire at Grimm for cover fire.

Me: *mutter* Where are you Y/N.

Third Person Limited: Y/N's POV

Y/N: I really didn't expect for this to happen.

Y/N was running away from a pack of beasts that were huge. Twice, if not triple, the size of Y/N with big hands and feet that have claws attached to them. Paired with a tail and skinny bone structure, they were quite powerful individually. Borderline deadly when in packs. The pack contained five of these beasts.

 The pack contained five of these beasts

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Fig. 1

Y/N: What are these things!

Alby: I believe they were called Ravagers.

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