First Mission Part 3: Cleaning Crew

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Y/N woke up the next morning, still puzzled about the event last night.

Y/N: Who was that girl and why was she here? Doesn't she know that it's dangerous to be here?

Alby: How should I know? You keep asking those questions but nothing will help stewing over it.

Y/N [irritated]: You know for a child who tried to name themselves God, you aren't very useful.

Alby: Heeeyyyy! I'm trying with what I have okay. Besides, don't you think we should continue the mission!

Y/N: *sighs* Yeah you're right.

???: Who's right?

Y/N turns around to see Blake behind him.

Y/N: Oh, Blake. It's you.

Blake: *nods* Again 'who is right?'

Y/N: Uhhh...sometimes I get conversations in my head, something to pass the time with. Love arguing with myself and, I don't know how, but I always lose.

Blake: *giggles* Okay Y/N. Well everyone is up. They told me to ask you to come down and make breakfast. Well...Ruby, Yang, and Nora were the most vocal ones in that.

Y/N: *laughs* Okay, I'll be there in about three minutes.

She nods and leaves to the dining hall. Alby appears next to me.

Alby: *covering hand over mouth, 'trying' not to laugh* like to argue with yourself. Pfft hahahahahaha.

Y/N: Stop talking to me. I need to focus.

Alby: *groans* Buuuuut it's sooooo boooooorrrriiiingggg.

Y/N: I won't make you any sweets when we get back.

Alby: I'll be as silent as Ren and Blake combined.

Y/N: *smiles* Good.

I walk into the dining room where Nora is doing her crazy shenanigans, with everyone laughing.

Y/N: You guys seem to be in higher spirits this morning. *all of them turn to me*

Nora: Finally! MAKE PANCAKES!!!

Y/N: *chuckles* Sure, but if you don't quiet down, my hand may slip when adding Dust to the food, specifically yours.

She quieted down after that.

Y/N: So why are you guys in high spirits today? For the past two days, you guys have been mopey and on the edge.

Yang: I think it's because we are getting used to doing things now that two days have passed. This training is helping a lot.

Y/N: *smiles* Just wait until I take those weights off all of you tomorrow. You will feel a big shift in your body.

Weiss: Wait...tomorrow?

Y/N: *walks outside* Yup, so try your hardest everyone. Let's get your tests done before breakfast, I don't want anyone throwing up their meal after overeating. *looks at Nora*

Nora: What? It was soooo gooood. I couldn't help it.

Everyone goes outside and Y/N increases the weight again of their weights.

Y/N:  Wow...Yang, Pyrrha, Nora, and Blake can hold almost twice their weight with all the aura weights. Weiss, Ruby, and Ren can hold one and two-thirds their weight. And Jaune has shown the most improvement with holding one and a half of his weight. *looks up and smiles* Congrats everyone.

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