Blake's "Secret"

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Alby: Okay I did say go deep but this wasn't what I talked about.

Y/N and Ruby were on their sides, interlocked with one another, their legs tangled together. Ruby had her face in Y/N's chest while he had his tail wrapped around her.

Y/N: I did help her change her pajamas though. It was...interesting to say the least.

Alby: What? Was it bad?

Y/N: was just another part of her beauty that I never got to see. Besides, I was closing my eyes for most of it though.

Alby: *sigh* I guess you will always be a green bean in that department then.

Y/N: What do you mean by 'in that department?'

Alby: Don't need to know. Now get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.

Y/N: I guess?

Yang found out what happened to those two in the morning and immediately demanded a passionate kiss from Y/N. Once she got what she wanted, she listened to the entire story of what happened after she left. She nudged Ruby.

Yang: *smirks* I never knew you would try that~

Ruby: What do you mean?

Yang: *leans closer and whispers something, making Ruby blush* See~ You totally tried to do that~

Ruby: *red* I-I have n-no ide-a wh-what you me-mean Yang.

Yang: *nudges her* Sure you don't~

Y/N: Pardon me for intruding on your conversation but...don't you guys have classes today?


Ruby + Yang: ...We need to hurry!

Y/N tosses them some quick breakfast to give to their teammates as they run out. Y/N then grabs some for Team JNPR. He knocks on the door and Pyrrha answers Jaune's hoodie.

Y/N: *looks at her and smiles* So everything went good I presume?

Pyrrha: *yawns* It was the absolute best. Why do you ask?

Y/N nods to the hoodie, making Pyrrha blush, rubbing her head.

Pyrrha: I guess that would make it obvious huh.

Y/N: Yup. Here *hands her the bag full of breakfast* Hand this to your teammates and boyfriend will you.

Pyrrha: Of course I ca- *realizes what he said* You're teasing me aren't you.

Y/N: *shrugs* Maybe~

Pyrrha: *sigh* Well I will.

Y/N: *smiles* Good..because classes start in about twenty minutes.

Pyrrha: ...Huh?

On cue, Team RWBY runs out in their school attire to class, making Pyrrha have the color in her face drain.

Pyrrha: Jaune! Everyone! Hurry and wake up! We only have twenty minutes to get to class!

Y/N: *chuckling* She tried to deny Jaune's her boyfriend just now but says his name separately. She's too easy to tease.

Alby: I think Yang is rubbing off on you a little too much.

Y/N: I don't know what you're talking about.

Team JNPR hurried, got changed, and ran to class with only three minutes to spare. Y/N had nothing to do so he went to the library and studied up on different topics, mostly cooking related. He got bored of that, so he went to an arena to train. Class was still going so he was all alone.

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