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Y/N is kneeling in front of a grave with Ruby and Weiss stood behind him.

Ruby: Is this? *Y/N nods* ...I see.

Y/N: You know, you kind of remind me of her, Ruby.

Ruby: *head tilts in confusion* How so?

Y/N: *chuckles* In so many ways. Her personality, her childishness...her stupidity.

Weiss giggles.

Weiss: I could see that being a disaster.

Y/N: *smiles* Yeah, but I loved her ever still.

Ruby: *looks between them pouting* Heyyy! You guys are making fun of me aren't you!?

This made Y/N and Weiss erupt into laughter, having Ruby join in soon after.

Y/N: The only thing I inherited from her were her silver eyes. They are the only thing that connect me to her.

Ruby: But if she has my personality, then you must have some of those qualities in you.

Y/N: *chuckles again* Yeah you might be right about that. Anyways, *reaches out of his bag and pulls out the gun* this was my mother's. I think it should rest with her.

Ruby: We'll agree with whatever you do...right Weiss?

Weiss gives a nod of conformation. Y/N sighed and put the gun onto the grave. He then heard a voice that was familiar.

???: Take it.

Y/N looks at the girls.

Y/N [shocked]: Did you hear that?

Weiss + Ruby: Hear what?

Y/N thought about it for a bit. He decided and took the gun back.

Y/N: *puts weapon into bag* I think mother would want me to take this. *sighs* Let's go Beacon.

They start to leave. As they were to enter the forest and leave the waterfall behind, Ruby tugged Y/N's arm. She was staring towards the grave.

Ruby [mesmerized]: Look. *points*

Y/N turns to see his mother on top of her grave, smiling. Ruby was in awe, Weiss in shock, and Y/N in a mixture of different, complex emotions. A mixture of happiness, warmth, sadness, relief, anger, etc. enveloped Y/N. 

Y/N's mother had brown shorts with a white tank on, the clothes she wore before dying. She had silver eyes paired with black hair. Her hair braided to the side of her shoulder. For dressing so rough, her facial and body features were angelic, something that Y/N didn't notice that he also got from her. She had a smile on her, a warming smile, and it was radiant. It felt like spring came again in the forest.

Y/N turns around and smiles. Tears started to run down his face.

Weiss: *touches his arm* You okay?

Y/N: *turns to hear, still smiling and shedding tears* I'm fine...It's time to go.

The trio head to the direction of Beacon with his mother seeing them off, still smiling to strengthen her precious son.

The three started to talk about simple things: food, weapons, life, etc.

Y/N [dumbfounded]: You guys get such a variety of food?! All I ever eat is deer and some plants.

Weiss + Ruby: What?!

Y/N: It's the forest. What do you expect?

Ruby: But still- *takes a piece of jerky from Y/N* -for having just this, it's really good.

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